~Dean~ (9)

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~Trigger Warning~

Life was hitting you hard right now, people were calling you fat, ugly, worthless everywhere you went. You could tell by the way they were looking at you that you were a decrease. You tried to except yourself and try to listen to the cheesy quotes like "you cant learn to love anyone until you love yourself" but none of that was working for you.

You closed your computer and changed into your pajamas. You walked down stairs into the library. Sam was on his computer so you walked around to see what he was doing.

"What you up to?" You asked Sam looking at his computer.

"Just some basic stuff, news articles and whatever seems weird." Sam replied.

"Boring!" You laughed. You started giggling and looked at Sam, his face was dead serious.

"Wull you and Dean don't do it so I have to." Sam complained. You felt like you just got punched, Sam just said in his own words that you were useless for hunting. You could feel the tears coming.

"Fine." You sighed and started walking around the Bunker exploring new rooms. By now you could tell that your eyes were red. You stopped walking for a second and rubbed your eyes. You started walking again but stopped at room 13. Something was bringing you to that room. You opened the door and looked inside. It was another care room filled with medical stuff. You walk in and shut the door behind you. You sat down on a chair that was right next too a plate filled with knifes. The thoughts from earlier still lingered in your mind, no one likes you, ugly, fat.

You picked up the smallest knife and started to examine it. You started to cry thinking about what you were about to do to yourself. You set your arm on the counter next to you and hovered the knife over your skin. You set the blade side on your skin but didn't cut just yet. Suddenly the door opened with a click.

"Y/N you in here?" Dean asked. You were so shocked you just froze not moving a muscle. He walked into the room and looked around before he saw you.

"No!" Dean yelled seeing the knife on your arm. He grabbed the knife from your hands and through it across the room. He looked back at you and hugged you. You cried in his shoulder.

"Dean-. I-." You sobbed into the crook of his neck.

"Shhhh. We will get through this together, I promise." Dean said as he stroked your hair. "Y/N, please don't do this anymore. I love you too much to see you hurt yourself." You could tell Dean was crying by the way he talked. You broke apart from the hug and cupped his check, a tear fell so you whipped it with your thumb.

"I won't, I love you too Dean." You confessed. He kissed you passionately and walked you back to your room and you two just cuddled the rest of the day.

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