~Castiel~ (5)

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You were making lunch for the boys in the Bunker. It was your turn to make lunch so you were going to make burgers and pie. You were about to put the pie in the oven when you felt a sharp pain in your side. You held your side as if it were bleeding but there was no blood. You looked underneath your shirt looking for a scratch but there was nothing. Then it hit you, it might be your period. You put the oven on pre-cook and walked to your bathroom. Since no one was home you didn't close the door and grabbed a pad. You walked back downstairs and washed your hands.

"Thank God it wasn't today!" You yelled talking to yourself. You must have been talking to yourself for along time and loud because you didn't even hear Cas's wings.

"Y/N," You screamed and looked at Cas.

"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!" You yelled and laughed.

"I'm sorry I frightened you Y/N but why were you talking about not having it today?" Cas questioned.

You weren't blushing as bright as a tomato but just a little. "I um, didn't want to burn myself today. You know from the oil." You lied.

"Ok but-" You jolted and drooped to the ground. Dam cramps! "Y/N are you ok!"

"I'm, fine, Cas. I just need to go to my bed." You looked into his ocean blue eyes and as soon as you blinked you were in your room. "Thanks Cas." You said snuggling into your blankets.

"Your welcome Y/N. I'll finish dinner so Dean and Sam have something to eat. But you have to stay in bed." Cas reasoned.

"Fine Cas, oh and can you get me that yellow bag on my desk please?" You asked.

"Sure. What's in here?"

"Movies and a shit load of chocolate!" You laughed.

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