~Sam and Dean~ (1)

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You come back from the store and find Sam and Dean fighting in the living room. You just brush it off, they have been fighting a lot more since you have moved into the bunker. You had no idea why but never wanted to get invalved. You put the things you bought from the store in the kitchen and listen to what they are fighting about.

"Sam I told you she likes me more!" Dean argued.

"No Dean!" Sam answered, "She likes me more!"

You walk away because you assume that they are fighting over some girl they meet at the bar around the corner.

You were about to walk to your room when Dean calls you over to the living room. Right when Dean called you you got nervous feel in your stomach. You rush over to them and see them just staring at each other, like they were going to punch someone at any moment.

"Hey guys." You mutter.

"Y/N, if you were to chose between me and Dean who would you pick?" Sam questions.

"Umm, can I ask why?" You ask Sam.

"Fine, Y/N, we like you, a lot and we need you to tell us who you like better." Dean explains.

You feel like your spinning. You never thought in a million years that they would like you let alone fighting about you! You can feel the butterflies forming in your stomach.

"Um.. I like-"

Sam: "Sam" You look over to Sam to see him smiling. He walks up to you hugs you and kisses your for head. You feel safe when he hugs you, that was one of the things you loved about Sam. Dean gets up and walks to his room and slams the door. You jump and hug Sam tighter.

"I love you Y/N." Sam tells you.

"I love you too Sam" You smile as you kiss him again.

Dean: "Dean." You say looking to the floor embarrassed.

"Told you!" Dean laughed.

Dean gets up hugs you gives you a kiss on his lips.

"I love you Y/N." Dean confesses.

"I love you too Dean." You confess as well.

You finally realize that Sam is still in the room and walk with Dean to the other room to have a make-out session.

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