~Dean Imagine~ (2)

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It was a dark summer night and it was beautiful outside, the crickets were chirping, the stars were bright, it was just perfect. You felt that it wasn't right to just stay home you felt that something was bringing you to the bar on the corner of your street. Something was telling you walk into this bar and sit on the stool that looked new.

So you did walk into that bar and there was a stool that looked new.

"Ill have a whiskey." You mumbled to the bar tender. There are only a few people in there but it was busy enough. You look over to your right and the door swings open. You jump at how hard the door hit the wall. You look to where the door is and there is a guy standing there he's about 6'1 and is wearing a leather jacket.

"Sorry, my bad." The man says as he walks into the bar. He looks around and sees you looking at him. You spin around act like you weren't looking at him at all. He walks towered you and looks straight at you. You hesitate to look at him but after a few seconds you look back. His eyes are a bright green and he is very hansom!

"Hi, can I sit here?" He asks as he sits down, "I'm Dean by the way."

"Y/N, what brings you here at this time?" You ask Dean.

"I could say the same thing." Dean jokes.

You can feel your checks getting red-er by the second. You two talk until everyone in the bar has gone and the weird thing was that Dean had never bought a drink.

"Hey Y/N, do you trust me?" Dean questions.

"Considering that I meet you at a bar and your not drunk says alot, yea, I guess I do trust you Dean." You reassure him.

He tells you everything. About being a hunter, about how he went to hell, about Sam, everything.

"Wow." You say in amazement.

"Hey guys, um we are closin' up shop so, can you please leave so we can clean up?" The bar tender explains.

"Oh yea sorry," Dean acknowledged, "I got you."

"No you don't need to do that Dean." You hinted.

He looks over to you and pays in your face. You two walk out side staring at each other the whole time.

"Y/N, I like you, a lot." Dean confesses. He leans in to kiss you and you kiss back. Right when he kisses you you feel something something special.

"I like you too Dean." You confessed as well.

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