~Castiel~ (10)

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[[OOOOOOO yup it's me! the cult leader! lol no not really but hi!!!! okay so since the time I haven't written I've changed for the better! I've become more into smut and also Destiel😏! so expect to see more of those chapters! and also I'll write about more characters too! Like Charlie, Kevin, Gabrial, and even Lucifer if you want! it feels great to be back!!!]]

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Y/N!!!!!!!" Dean yelled from the impala outside... You were inside a worn down motel room on a ghost hunt. You hadn't seen Cas yet though. He was always there when you went on hunts. Making sure you were save, making sure no one was kicking your ass. You always thought he was just there for Dean but you secretly wanted him to be there for you. (I mean come on he's pretty much in love with the guy...)

You thought about his face... The strong jaw line, his kissable lips, his dark brown hair, his eyes that reminded you of the ocean, his sexy stare that made you-

"Y/N get out here!!" Sam called. His voice snapped you out of your day dream and back into reality... Back into the reality where you were a hunter. Where you weren't supposed to get close to anyone because you didn't know when you, or they were going to die.

"Coming!" you yelled back. You grabbed your duffle bag from your bed that was filled with guns, salt, and lore books of all kinds.

"What is it now?" You groaned walking towards the 1967 Chevy that just said "Have sex in me."

"Calm down sugar tits we're not going anywhere." Dean sassed, "We need you to go to the grocery store and get some doughnuts, we're running low on snacks and Sam needs his food or he's gunna get moody..."

"Jerk..." Sam muttered looking at Dean and giving him the classic bitch face.

"Wait... So does this mean I can drive Baby?!" You asked, excitement flooding in your voice. You looked at Dean and stuck out your bottom lip.

Dean held out his keys, "Yes... Not a scratch when you come back! Kapeesh?!"

"Yes sir!" You laughed and grabbed the keys from his hand. You started the car and heard the beautiful purring of the engine. "Fuck yes!" You yelled pulling the car into drive.

About a third of the way there you opened your window feeling the cool breeze flow through your hair. You turned on the radio trying to enjoy the most out of your once in a life time chance to drive the sex car.

"Hello Y/N." A deep voice said from beside you.

"Shit!" You cursed accidentally swerving the car a bit. "God damnit Cas! At least give me a warning before you jump scare me!"

"My apologies... Would you like me to leave..?" The angel asked looking at you with his blue orbs. He almost looked sad or embarrassed.

"No Cas, it's fine..." You blushed, "I just got scared..." You glanced over trying to look at his face but quickly looked back toward the road seeing he was starring at you. Don't blush! Don't blush! Don't blush!

"Y/N... I um..." Castiel stuttered.


"I... I like your shirt."

Disappointed you responded, "Oh... Thanks..." Your shirt was nothing special, just an oversized AC/DC shirt... "So... Are you are going to be with us on the hunt?" you asked trying to relive some of the awkwardness.

"Yes, actually I am. Dean explained that you wanted me to come with so I came." Cas exclaimed looking out the window.

You could feel the blush creeping from your ears. Dean was the only one you told about Cas... I mean he suspected it and teased you about it but you trusted him. But really?! He had to tell Cas that you wanted him here?! "Um... Yeah... I mean you do have angel juice that could be useful..." You sound like a potato! Just be quiet!

"Of course. I knew that." Cas smiled scratching the back of his neck, "Y/N... I've been told that when you like someone you take them out on a date... Is that true?"

"I mean yeah but you don't need to take her out... Sometimes just telling her you like her works..." You smiled at the idea...

"Then... In that case... Y/N I like you... And I would love to take you out on a date." You felt your heart skip a beat. This literal angelic man was asking you out on a date and telling you he liked you!

"Um... Yeah, I mean of course I'll go on a
date with you." You stuttered trying not to freak the fuck out.

"Great!" Cas sighed a breath of relief. "Um... So I'll see you back at the motel!"

You laughed, "Okay. See you there" You looked into his eyes once more before he left. Like they always did, the butterflies formed as soon as you two made eye contact. But as good as it was looking at him it was gone in a few seconds, as Cas disappeared.

"Mommy!" You heard screaming. What the hell?! "Mommy!!"

You opened your eyes and realized it was all just a dream. Your son, Dean, was at the edge of your bed crying.

"Baby, what's wrong?" you asked.

"Daddy's gone!" he yelled. Castiel. You ran passed Dean and looked around your house.

"Castiel!!!" You screamed, "Where the hell are you?!" A million thoughts came rushing into your head. Maybe a demon had him, maybe he was hunting again, maybe he- maybe he left you... You both agreed a white picket fence life was best because you both wanted a child but what if he didn't want it anymore...

You walked outside and saw his pimp car pull into your driveway. "Jesus Christ..." you sighed dropping to the floor, starting to cry. You felt two small arms wrap around you. You adjusted your body so you could fully hug your son. You buried your face in his beautiful hair.

"Y/N?! Baby what's going on?" Cas asked dropping to his knees and hugging you both. You lifted your face and looked at the man you had fallen in love with, the man you married, the man you started a life with...

"I woke up and I thought you left." You cried. Cas hugged you even tighter and kissed your forehead.

"Angel, I would never leave you..." He kissed the top of Dean's head, "And I never will." He looked back at you with tears in his eyes. You smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Where did you even go?" you asked after you two stopped kissing. Cas smiled and grabbed a box from behind him...

"I just went to go get some doughnuts." He said showing you the variety of doughnuts.

"Dean-o look!" You whispered to Dean. He slowly lifted his head and instantly stopped crying.

"Daddy!!" He yelled excitedly. He pushed passed the box and hugged Cas. You felt the tears form once again. You covered your face and started to cry even harder. They weren't sad tears, they were more then happy tears. More like this-is-the-life-I've-been-waiting-for tears.

"Hello Dean." He smiled. He kissed Dean on his cheek, "Can you please bring these into the kitchen, we'll be right there okay?"

"Otay daddy." Dean grabbed the box and walked inside. Once he was inside Cas sat next to you and hugged you.

"I love you so much, (Y/N) Y/L/N." He said kissing your temple.

"I love you Cas." You said hugging him back. You leaned your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes.

The white picket fence life was the right choice 100%...

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