~Misha~ (1)

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You have been working/acting for this job for your whole life and it's finally taking off! You always loved the show Supernatural and never thought in a million years that you would be acting on it! You read the script one more time before driving to set. It was only fifteen minutes from your hotel which was nice.

You got in your truck and started to drive. Your heart was beating faster than usual and your hands started to sweat. This was your first job and you didn't want to blow it for yourself. You pulled into the gate and walked to a guy with a camera. His back was facing you so you tapped on his shoulder.

"Excuse me?" You said trying to get his attention. He turned around and looked at you.

"Hi, you must be Y/N. I'm Mathew." He held out his hand for you to shake.

You shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, um I just got here and I was wondering if I need to go anywhere or-" You tried to ask but Mathew but he cut you off.

"I think first you need to go to the makeup truck over there and then go to the wardrobe trailer. Oh and be careful of the equipment." Mathew replied.

"Ok thank you for your help." You waved and walked to the make up trailer. Ok not too bad you thought. You knocked on the door and opened it. It smelled like candy in there.

"Hi!" One of the girls said, "I'm Jeannie!"

"Y/N." You smiled and she shook your hand.

"You're new right?" She asked.

"Ya, is it obvious?"

"No sweetie, sit down and well get you all done." She sat you down in a chair and started fiddling with your hair. "So are you coming back or are you only in this episode?"

"I honestly don't really know, they just called me and told me that I would be great for the part so I came in. This is my first job so I'm kinda nervous." You explained.

"I'm sure you'll do amazing!" She replied. "Want some candy?"

You looked at Jeannie and smiled. "What you got?"

"Everything!" She laughed, "Jared loves candy so we pretty much buy everything!" You grabbed some sour skittles and turned back to the mirror. Suddenly the door opened. It was Misha! Jared and Jensen were cute but Misha was flawless!

"What's up people. Jea- oh hi!." Misha introduced. He looked at you and smiled. You melted into a puddle right there in the chair. Jeannie must have noticed because she laughed and went back to fixing your hair.

"H-hi!" You stuttered. He sat down in the other chair but never broke the stair.

"So you must be Y/N, there was a lot of talk about you." You felt like your heart skipped a beat.

"They. Were?"

"Not in a bad way! Just saying that you were new." Misha said winking.

"Misha if your done you can leave." Jeannie jumped in. Thank God she did because you were running out of words to say.

"Fine. See you later Y/N." Misha laughed. He walked out of the trailer.

You looked in the mirror and squealed.

"I JUST MEET THE MISHA COLLINS! HONESTLY MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!" You squealed. Jennie laughed and looked at your reflection in the mirror.

"Get used to it sweetheart!"

She started working on your hair do you grabbed your phone out of your pocket. There was a twitter notification so you taped on it. It was a tweet saying:

"(@Your twitter name) Nice to meet you! Welcome to Hell ;]" Your heart dropped. The Misha Collins didnt just meet you in person but he mentioned you on twitter! Best day ever!

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