~Dean~ (6)

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You were on your way to your family cottage on a cold winter day. No one was up there but once and a while you went there to just relax and have a day all to yourself. You remembered going when you were little and how much fun you had.

You felt your car going slower so you looked at the fuel gauge, it was all out! Every last drop! Fuck! You pulled over to the curb and got out. Why hadn't you noticed this sooner? You opened the trunk and looked for the slightest bit of gas, at least four liters would get you to the closest gas station. You looked everywhere but of course there was none! You got inside your car and looked in your purse for your phone. At least you had your phone.

"What the hell!" You screamed. You didn't have your phone. Your heart started beating fast, what were you going to do? You started to cry and turned on the radio. It was so cold so you grabbed your sweater and laid down in the back seat.

"God, I know I never pray much, but please, send someone, anyone. I need a miracle." You prayed crying into your sweater. You tried to calm down and counted to ten, take it ten seconds at a time is what your mom always said.

You listened to the radio for about an hour and changed the station, the next song that played was Carry On My Wayward Son. You had heard that song multiple times but always thought it was sad for some reason. You got out of the car to the cold slapping you in the face. The wind burned your throat as you breathed. You sat down on the cold road and curled yourself into a ball, no way you could walk through this! Suddenly you heard a car, your immediate reaction was to get off the road and wave to get a ride.

"Hey! Hey! Over here!" You yelled. The car pulled over and you were so happy. Thank you God! Thank you! You walked over the drivers window and there was a man in there. He had bright green eyes and an amazing chin line.

"Um, hi. My car ran out of gas and I was wondering if you could spare some. I just don't really have anywhere to go." You pleaded.

"Yea, sure. And you are?" The man asked getting out of the car. He gave you butterflies right when he talked. You just brushed it off, you had liked guys before but they never liked you so you were used to it.

"Y/N Y/L/N, and you?"

"Dean, where you headed?"

"Honestly, I was going to go to my family cabin to drink my troubles away." You laughed feeling your stomach clench. He was so hansom! You followed him to the trunk and he gave you a red container filled with gas. "Thank you so much! You are my angle today!"

"No problem, hey um. I know this is really surprising coming from a stranger but can I come with you to your cabin? I need to drink and you seem like someone I can trust." Dean said and winked at you. At this point you were pretty much goo, maybe from the cold but from Dean too.

"Sure but you need to tell me your last name, Dean -"


"Cool follow me." You said trying to sound sexy. You hadn't had a boy hit on you since the first grade.

You got into your car and had a fan-girl moment. You were going to get drunk with a sexy ass guy! The song that was playing was My Humps by Black Eyed Peas. You were so happy you started to sing along.

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