~Sam~ (9)

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You packed Sam and Dean's things ready for their trip to Iowa. They were going there because of a ghost hunting a small home. It was a easy hunt but Dean wanted Sam to go with him.

"Y/N! You almost done?" You heard Dean yell. You quickly grabbed the guns you polished and walked downstairs. They were sitting by the research table reading about something.

"I'm really going to miss you guys." You said as you set down the guns for them to take, "Are you sure I cant go with you?" You gave them your best puppy eyes.

You felt Sam wrap you in a hug. "You know why you cant come, I don't want you to get hurt." You felt tears burning in your eyes but you forced them back.

"I know but I hate when I'm all alone in this huge place." You muttered. Sam let go of the hug and looked you straight in the eye.

"We'll only be gone for about three days." Sam tried to reason with you. He cupped your face and whipped a tear that fell. He walked back to where he was sitting and disappeared into the library to put the book away. You looked at Dean who was still reading.

You walked towards him and hugged him from behind. "Please be careful Dean, I don't know what I would do if I lost one of you two." You bared your head into his shoulder. You always thought of Dean as a brother but Sam was your type of guy.

"I will." He replied spinning around and hugging you back.


After about twenty minutes they were gone. You had nothing to do so you slipped off your jeans and sweater for your shorty shorts and your bra. No one was going to be in the Bunker for three days so you planned to get comfortable. You walked to Sam's room and grabbed one of this plaid shirts. It was pretty much a dress for you but you wore it anyways. You went into the research room and hooked up your computer to the speakers. You put your music on shuffle and decided that you would have a dance party of your own.

The first song you played was Dangerous (remix) you started dancing around and spinning. You hadn't done this in forever but it let you forget your problems.

After about four songs you flopped down on the floor and just sat there trying to catch your breath. All of a sudden there was clapping you looked all around you but didn't see anyone.

"Sam?" You yelled. No one responded so you sat still. You heard rustling from behind you. You looked to your side to only be pinned down. It was Sam.

"What the hell Sam!" You screeched trying to calm your breathing once again.

"Dean told me I could stay if I wanted and of course I said yes. Nice dancing by the way." Sam smirked. You could feel the blush coming to your face.

"Were you watching me the whole time?!" You sighed.

"Yea, you should wear my shirts more often you look good in them." Sam lent in for a kiss. You lent in and kissed him back.

"I'm glad your back Sammy." You whispered into the kiss. He opened his eyes and looked back at you.

"Me too." Sam said kissing you again.

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