~Dean~ (4)

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"Aye!" Dylan yelled, "Hurry the fuck up!" you didn't know why you loved Dylan but you did. You ran to the car half ready still holding your sweater. You were going to the bunker because you told Dean about Dylan and he wanted to make sure he want a supernatural being.

After about 20 minutes you got to the bunker, Dean was outside drinking a beer leaning on the impala. You hurried and text-ed Dean and said "Make sure not to kill him right away! Promise?". You stared at Dean till he got the message. He looked into the car and gave you a thumbs up and a fake smile.

"Ok lets go." You told Dylan getting out of the car.

"Finally!" Dylan grunted. For some reason you felt tears coming. It might have been because you were nervous or because you have had enough with Dylan's crap. "Hey Dean!" Dylan suddenly changed. He hugged you from your side close and hard. You were kind of ucomparable

"Hi, Dylan right?" Dean asked. At this point you couldn't hold back your tears you ran inside and ran into your bathroom.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Dylan pretending to care.

"I need Dean right now Dylan, can you please go get him." You asked politely. You felt so empty inside, like someone ripped your ribs out of you.

"Y/N? It's Dean, are you ok?" Dean questioned. You opened the door and gave him a huge hug.

"Dean, I feel so alone. Dylan doesn't care about me at all and I let him not care. I want to dump him but I'm scared... I'm scared he will do something." You cried into his shoulder, "I cant take it anymore!"

"Ok first of all that son of a bitch isn't going to lay a hand on you! And if he does I'm going beat the shit out of him, Y/N why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

"I don't know Dean, I just feel so alone right now." You said having a cry-fit on Deans shoulder.

It stayed like this for what seemed like forever. You would tell him what you felt and he would listen. After 10 minutes of crying and chatting Dylan come in the room.

"Baby, whats the matter?" He asked braking you and Dean from your hug.

You pushed him away and stood there, this was it, you were about to break up with him.

"Dylan, I need to talk to you... I have thinking about this for a long time and," You stuttered, you looked at Dean and he had a proud look on his face. That made you feel a lot safer, "I think we should brake up."

"What did you say, I didn't hear you right. Did you just say you want to brake up with me?" Dylan questioned all cocky.

"What the hell you think she said?" Dean huffed pushing Dylan into the wall. He pushed him so hard the painting shook.

"Fine bitch! Looks like you don't have a ride home!" Dylan yelled. The tears were coming back but more than ever.

"You call her that one more time, I dare you!" Dean threatened, "Now get the hell out!"

Dylan walked out your room slamming the door. You stood there until you heard his car start and drive off. "Dean, thank you." You whimpered. You ran to him once more and hugged him.

"Y/N, I love you. If that ass cant see how perfect you are he is as blind as a bat!" Dean confessed.

You looked at him and gave him the most meaningful kiss of your life. It wasn't like any other kiss it was passionate, loving, and caring.

"I love you too Dean." You kissed him again and smiled. You weren't just dating Dean Winchester, you were dating your best friend.

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