~Castiel~ (2)

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The boys were out hunting and you had nothing to do so you went exploring in the bunker. Suddenly you find a professional like music room with a recording booth, guitars, and huge speakers. You were so exited you plugged in the microphone and tested it out.

"Hel-" You get cut off by the loud buzzing of the microphone. You try again and the microphone doesn't buzz like it did before. You think for a while at what song you want to sing. I'm an Albatraoz? When you sleep? You went through your song choices in your head and finally got the song you want to sing.

"Once Upon A December!" You say out loud. Finally after five minutes of thinking you finally know the song you want to sing.

Dancing bears,

painted wings,

things I almost remember.

And a song someone sings,

once upan a December.

You start to dance like in the movie where Anastasia.

Someone holds me safe and warm.

horses prance through a silver storm.

People dancing gracefully,

across my memory!

You get through the whole song without messing up. You get out from the recording booth and listen to yourself with the instrumental music playing in the back round.

In the corner of your eye you see Cas. You jump as you try to turn off you singing. You never really liked people listen to you sing. Ever since you auditioned for a musical part and were denied you hated the feeling of people judging you.

"Oh shit," You whisper, "What's up Cas?"

"Y/N, that was amazing! I did not know you could sing like that." Cas converts you.

"Thanks Cas." You can tell your checks are getting red-er and red-er.

Castiel walks closer to you and hugs you. You can tell by the way he's hugging you you its awkward for him. You hug back making him less tense.

"I love you Y/N, a lot, and I'm sorry I never told you." Cas confesses.

"I love you too Cas." You look into his ocean blue eyes and his him. He resits at first but kisses back.

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