~Sam~ (2)

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It has been hours since you last heard Dean and Sam's voice. They went on a hunt to go get some werewolves but this time it was different, it was taking them way more time than it should have. Your nails were pretty much gone by now, you had no other way to relieve your stress. "Ok Y/N think, if they aren't here in thirty minutes I'll call their phone." You plan to yourself. Ten minutes pass by, then the next ten, you know deep in your heart that they wouldn't be coming back soon. Suddenly you hear someone trying to get in through front door, you grab the gun closest to you and point it to the door.

"Y/N? You in there?" You hear Sam's voice from outside.

You rush to the door and unlock it.

"Sammy." You say rushing to give Sam and Dean a hug. You can feel the tears coming but you try with all of your might to keep them away.

"Easy tiger, we were only gone for about six hours." Dean laughs. He knows how bad you were worried but wanted to make you laugh.

You bring them inside where you see their wounds. Cuts on their face and on both of their fists there was punch marks. "You guys want me to help you? Looks like you guys got pretty beat up huh?" You offer.

About an hour later you have almost patched up the boys. "Hey Y/N can I steal you for a second?" Sam says out of the blue.

"Sure I guess... Dean I'll be right back to patch that up for you." You reply.

You walk up to Sam's room and sit on his bed. Your heart is racing you can tell Sam is going to say something that means a lot because his cheeks were turning red.

"Y/N I... Um.." Sam stutters. You can tell he is having trouble trying to talk so you put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Sam, it's ok, you can tell me anything." You reassure him. His cheeks get red-er by the second.

"Y/N I really like you and I have for a while now," Sam confessed. "I just wanted to see how you felt about me." He leans in to kiss you. Your whole world spins, you have been waiting for this day since you meet Sammy.

"Sam, I love you too." You confess as well.

You two kiss again and walk down stairs hand in hand.

"Finally!" Dean yells as you two walk down.

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