~Castiel~ (7)

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You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing, you looked over to see the caller I.D was 003. It wasn't Crowley because his phone number was 666. You picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" You asked hesitant about your answer. It could be a demand, a wendigo, anything!

"Y/N, the voice is telling me I'm out of minutes." Cas shouted. You wiped the phone away from your ear.

"Cas, you don't need to yell. I can hear you perfectly fine. Oh and good morning to you too!" You laughed, "What's the matter?"

There was a sudden pause, it was like Cas ended. You looked at the phone to make sure he didn't end.

"Cas?" You waited for a response. After about five seconds Cas finally answered.

"Y/N I was wondering, do you remember where we first meet?" How could you forget?! That was the night you lost your virginity. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to visit there today, maybe four pm?"

"I would love that baby bee. See you there, love you."

"I love you too." You ended the call and looked at the time, it was only 11:00 so you had a good amount of time to eat and get ready. You pooped on some shorty shorts and one of Deans plaid shirts. You and Dean never had a thing but you loved the look of his plaid shirts on you so you toke one out of his closest and started wearing it. You skipped downstairs and there was flowers everywhere. This had to be Cas because he was the only one who knew your favorite flower, Plumerias. [Picture]. Plus Dean and Sam couldn't drive to Mexico to get them so it had to be Cas.

You scoped up one of the bouquets and smelled. It wasn't often you got to smell a Plumeria. You ate breakfast and ran back and forth bringing the bouquets into your room. This was going to be an amazing date.

~Three hours later~

You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror before getting into your truck to go meet Cas. You looked perfect, not to brag but you looked perfect.

You drove to the bar fine minutes away from the bunker and sat down you wear only a few minutes early and the parking lot was packed! You had to park on the other side of the road to get a spot. You turned off the engine and walked outside you could hear from inside there was a lot going on tonight!

You opened the door and everyone yelled Surprise! You looked around and all of your friends and family were here! Even Sam and Dean's friends and family. You hugged everyone and got to Sam.

"Sam," You said hugging him, "What the hell is going on?"

He didn't respond just pointed to Cas, he was wearing a black suit with a blue tie. You walked up to him and kissed him.

"Baby, what's going on?" You asked kissing Cas. He toke you by the hand and knelt down on one knee. You covered your mouth knowing what was happening then, Cas was proposing!

"Y/N, I love you, you mean everything to me. I remember when I first meet you and I knew somewhere in my heart that we were meant to be. You remind me of how happy I was when I was alone with the bees and I get to experience that everyday. Dean told me that if I really love you and I promise to be there for you I should propose so please accept my hand in marriage. Y/F/N, will you marry me?" Cas said as he pulled out a ring. You could feel the tears burning in your eyes ready to fall.

"I... Of course I will!" You leaned in and kissed him once more. When you two kissed the crowd behind you applauded.

"I love you Cas." You whispered into his ear.

"I love you too Y/N."

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