~Castiel~ (3)

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You looked through your clothes and find nothing it's all either dirty or bloody from the hunts you have been on.

You hear a flap of wings and Cas is standing behind you "lifeless". He looks nervous and distressed.

"Hey Cas? What's up?" You ask him.

"Nothing I'm just thinking." Cas reply's staring into your y/e/c eyes. Right before he's about to leave you ask him if he wants to go to Khols with you. He agrees and zaps both of you to Khols.

"Ok Cas do you want to split up or do you want to help me find clothes?" You ask in hesitation, you really like Cas and don't want him to see you in bad clothes.

"Can I just stay with you? I am an angel I do not need new clothes." Cas explains.

You two walk to your favorite clothes section and start grabbing things to try on. It has been almost an hour but Cas didn't mind he loved seeing you come out of that dressing room and have a bright smile on your face.

"So Cas what do you thing?" You ask Cas motioning to your dress it was your dream dress, just beautiful.

"Y/N, you look beautiful in everything you tryed on before this dress." Cas is getting sweaty, you can tell because he loosened his tie, "Do you like me Y/N?" Cas questions.

"What do you mean? Like as a boyfriend?" You ask trying not to fan-girl a little.

"Yes boyfriend." He answers. He walks up to you and kisses you. You felt the compaction in that kiss it was amazing.

"Of course I do Cas! Couldn't you tell?" You laugh.

"Kind of, you women are confusing." Cas reassures.

You laugh and kiss him again. You loved him and he loved you, what could be better?

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