~Dean~ (11)

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~Small Trigger Warning~
Sorry if there's a lot of storys I make about this stuff, I just kinda like having this comfort that Dean or any character that I write about can know how I feel... Idk sorry...

Even if you were living with the Winchesters you still hated how you were inside. You never hurt yourself but you did the small things, like pulling your hair. Or popping every pimple that appeared on your face, making a scab every time.

"Hey Y/N! You coming down?" You heard Dean call from downstairs. His voice snapped you out of focusing on your notebook.

"Yea just a sec!" You replied. You weren't done writing so you brought it down with you.

Dean's POV

I looked up from my beer and Y/N was walking down the stairs. She is so beautiful and perfect, I wish she could like me.

"Hey," she sat down next to me at the research table. "What's up?" I finally noticed she had a notebook she was hiding by her side.

"What's that?" I asked hinting to the notebook.

"Oh this?" She smiled and put it on the table, "Just some writing."

"Hey Y/N! I need your help!" Sam yelled.

"Coming! Dean please, don't look at this."

"Just go, I promise!" Of course I didn't mean it.

"Ok." And with that she ran off somewhere in the Bunker looking for Sam.

I looked down at the blue colored notebook, it had a anti possession symbol on it. I opened it up to the first page and it was filled with doodles. I flipped through it and stopped at the page that she was writing for today.

"April 12, 2015

I feel like I'm dying inside, I love Dean so much but he is way too good for me! I mean look at me! All of the girls he liked or had a one night stand with had a bust, a fat ass, and a flat stomach. I have a small bust, a tiny ass, and not even close to a flat stomach! I can't even pull off a dress for crying out loud! The only people he likes are girls that wear short shorts and a bra. Dam, now that I think about how ugly I am I must be super ugly to Dean. I'm glad I don't cut, but I do scratch myself like a cat. I wish I could stop, but once- "

The writing stopped there... Why would she think those things!? She is flawless in every way possible! I heard her foot steps coming back so I put the notebook back so it didn't look like I moved it.

"Sam wanted me to fix his WiFi for his computer, what you do while I was gone?" She asked sitting down and grabbing her notebook.


"Dean your beer has been empty since I left for Sam-. Dean please tell me you didn't read this!" She whimpered. Blush started to fill her cheeks and her ears. I had been caught. I looked down at the floor and could feel the blush creep up to my face as well.

"God damn it Dean! I told you not to!" She yelled. She ran back to her room and slammed the door behind her. I slowly made my way to her room.

I knocked on the door. "Y/N? Can we talk?"

"Go away!" I could hear her voice crack. I opened her door and saw her laying face down in her bed. I closed the door behind me and sat on her bed.

"What did you read?" She asked. She moved so she could look me straight in the eye.

"The part you wrote for today." She groned and got up from the bed.

"Dean, you werent supost to read that..." She cupped her face and started to cry into her hands. I got up and walked towards her to hug her.

"Y/N, give me your arm." She kept one hand over her mouth and dropped her scratched one. I lent down and kissed every scratch mark I saw. Once I was done I looked at her. Her beautiful Y/E/C eyes were all red from crying. "Y/N, I love you too, I just never had the balls to tell you. And you are perfect just the way you are! In no way are you fat! I love you so much." I lent down and kissed her.

Your POV

The Dean Winchester just told you that he loved you! The man you have been in love with for years is kissing you right now! You could tell them that this is the man that you wanted to be with forever.

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