~Castiel~ (9)

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TJ, your best friend and boyfriend. He was everything anyone could have ever asked for! He was hansom, nice, and caring. But your friends told you that he was a player so you kept and eye on him when you two were apart. Right now you were headed to his house because you two had scheduled a fancy dinner for today at two. It was four and your reservation was at 4:30. You even bought a special dress just for the occasion! A blue strapless dress, not to fancy but you liked it.

You texted him and said, "Hey baby you ready?". He didn't reply for a while so you just decided to get out of your car and walk in the house. You were to a point in your relationship where you didn't need to knock so you just opened the door.

"T-" You were cut off by stepping on a neon pink bra that sure as hell wasn't yours. You followed the trail of clothes that lead to TJ's bedroom. You wanted to stop walking but your brain didn't let you, soon you reached his room and heard moaning. Your eyes started to burn with tears. You knew deep, deep down that TJ, was cheating on you. You through the pink bra down by the door and stomped back to your car. Right before passing TJ's car you slashed all four of his tires.

"Bitch!" You screamed once inside your car. You pulled your car out of park and into drive. You slammed on the gas and went flying. You could feel the tears falling now. It felt like someone just punched you and you got the wind knocked out of you. You flew through traffic speeding the whole time and finally getting to the Bunker.

You though open your car door and ran into the Bunker. Right when you got in you bumped into something and fell on your butt. Probably Sam or Dean.

"Y/N, why are you crying?" You heard a deep voice ask you. It was Cas.

"Cas... I..." You stuttered. You didn't want him to see you have a total brake down.

"Y/N, please tell me whats wrong." Cas said pulling you to your feet and hugging you. You couldn't take it anymore you had to let go of your tears. You put your head in the crook of his neck and had a crying fit.

"Cas, TJ cheated on me." You sobbed.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Cas whispered awkwardly rubbing your back. You could tell he was trying his best to show he cared. You kept crying and he kept hugging you for what seemed like forever.

"I'm sorry Cas," You said finally braking your hug. "I just needed someone to cry on. And I'm sorry I got your coat all wet." You laughed trying to make yourself feel better.

Cas looked at his jacket and smiled. "I don't care about that, I care about you. Y/N if this TJ guy cant see how amazing you are he blind." You smiled.

"Thank you Castiel."

He walked close to you so you were inches apart. "Y/N can I please kiss you?" Cas asked.

You didn't even answer you just lent your head into his kiss. Right when you two kissed you felt something, something that was never there when you kissed TJ, something special. Of course you would never tell Cas that. Cas broke from the kiss and looked at you staright in the eye.

"I will always be here for you Y/N. I promise."

"Thank you." You wispered you two hugged one last time and a tear fell. Not a sad tear but a happy loving tear.

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