Sin city case so you can see the stuff there

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X-No in town contact for questioning

*-Intown contact for questioning

_-Killed while the BAU was on the job.


X Christy Blake- 22, out of town, money holder. From New York, there for leisure. Had a lucky streak on slots, kept pushing herself on him, she reminded him of his late wife, first kill.

X Laurence Brady- 45, in town, money holder. Gambling issue, hit a lucky streak in poker against Rodney that night

* David Walters- 25, out of town, money holder. From Utah to go to a family wedding, in a bachelor party, tried to steal chips from Rodney, my man was fucking pissed

X Veronica Newton- 27, sex worker, found with David Walters, walked into Rodney killing him and had to die

X Dominic Torres- 31, card dealer. Rodney assumed he was playing against him, most recent kill, showing the elevation of the kill

X_ Angela and Felix Vaughn- 35 and 37, recently married couple on honeymoon, small money holders. Got too lovely in front of him, Felix said Angela's name which is Rodney's late wife's name. He got pissed thinking Felix stole his wife, murder time bois, killed both.

_Jamie Dunn- the lead cop from the investigation, went to a bar casino for leisure, Rodney thought they were catching on to him so he killed her. He alerted the team, they came in time to catch him but not to save Jamie.


Rodney Russell- Unsub, 39, had mild ODC and was seeking treatment before the death of his child, ever since then when into a spiral. He got fired from his job at lawyering firm on the death date of his daughter and stopped taking meds and going to therapy, turned to gambling for income, and got pissed when other people were beating him in poker or getting 'lucky'. OCD said that if he killed them, he would get their luck, he would lure them into the alleyway, kill them with any object he could find, and put 4's on their neck to 'leak out their luck'. Found while murdering Jamie.

Angela Liu Russell- Late wife, 36 at death, high school sweethearts, multiple tries for a child but only one successful birth. She was only alive for 2 years after Lauren was born before angela died in a car accident where a drunk driver ran a red light.

Lauren Russell- the daughter, 4 at death, died 2 years before the murders. She died of an incurable lung disease that she  got at birth but only fatally reacted when she was a toddler.

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