Chapter Twenty: Party Time Part 2

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~Olivia's POV~

The plane is in the middle of the sky as I get a call from no one else but Garcia.

"Hi, my love! Is Reid around you?"

"When is he not?" She just laughs and I can see her do a happy dance at my response. She is the person that loves our relationship the most, other than us obviously.

"Okay, as much as I love your answer I need you to get away from him for a second," I feel incredibly uneasy at her request but agree, I turn to Spencer while getting up.

"Hey, sweetie do you want some coffee?" He nods while starting to stand but I push him back into his seat.

"Let me take care of you, Spence," He rolls his eyes at me using his words against him but doesn't move. I go to the drinks station on the other end of the jet and place out paper cups for coffee and tea.

"Okay, I'm sadly away from him," I turn on the coffee machine and hear JJ ask for one too as soon as she hears it start.

"So, Reid's party!" I dramatically sigh and put on the kettle for my tea.

"Yes, what's up about that?" She gasps loudly into the phone which makes me flinch.

"Have you not thought about it!?" She is yelling at this point.

"Yes, yes, I have I just want to know what you've planned because knowing you, you've already come up with 10 party ideas, one of them probably involving Spain."

"Yes, I most defiantly have BUT I want to know what you've thought of," I roll my eyes and pour in the hot water to my cup.

"Well, I was going to spend tomorrow with him, just me and him. Then I was going to use the bullpen on our debriefing day to decorate it with the team, then get Hotch to text him saying that he needs to pick up some paperwork. He's going to come to the office and get surprised by all his friends being there, thinking that his birthday would be just us, his friends sending happy birthday texts." I finish talking and pour a pound of sugar into Spencer's cup and a splash of vanilla creamer in JJ's.

"DAMMNNNN, so you have thought of it! I like that idea!" I laugh and bring the coffee to JJ, purposefully being slow.

"Thank you, thank you. We can talk more about this when we get to Quantico, I have to get back to my baby," She lets out an involuntary aw quickly followed by a groan.

"Okaaay, Love you, Liv," I sit down next to Spence and hand him his cup.

"Love you, too, Pen," I hang up and cuddle into his side, slowly sipping on my hot tea.

"What was that about?" He drapes his arm around me, pushing me in closer to him, sipping his coffee lightly.

"Penelope wants to know all the details about our first time and about how we said I love you, I told her it was going to have to wait till we get back at the office. She also asked about your birthday party," He started to shake his head, as I did when Pen mentioned me having a birthday party on the jet months ago.

"I don't want a party," I giggle and sink deeper into him.

"That's why I said I wanted it to just be me and you all day. We'll have cake, take out, Netflix, and a bit of chill," I rub my shoulder into his side and he giggles.

"What does a bit of chill mean?" I look at him blankly, not knowing if he's joking or not.

"Netflix and chill?" His face is still filled with confusion.

"Do you now know what Netflix and chill is, Spence?" He shakes his head and turns to Morgan.


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