Chapter Sixteen: Catch and Claim

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~Olivia's POV~

No, no, no, it can't be. 

Spencer told me that no one will touch me. I want to believe him, but I can't.

"What will I do Hotch?" I'm trying not to cry, blinking them away as fast as possible but it's not working. My voice is wary, I can't hide my fear, no matter how hard I try. 

"Well, you are to stay in this office, accompanied by someone in the team at all times. You will drop this case. Of course, you will have Reid during the nights. You must still exercise extreme caution even when you're with the team," I nod, understanding completely. 

I sit down in a chair, leaning over slightly while biting my nails. I'm wracking my brains for any memory of a person that could possibly like me or hate me so much that they do this. As I think, memories of my childhood began to show up faster than I can control.

The walls

The knives 

The days

I can't think of anything but that crying four-year-old terrified of dying when that concept shouldn't even be in her head.  

I know I'm crying, 

I know I'm shaking, 

I know I'm not stable,

I hear the door shut and blinds close, I feel a hand on my shoulder. That doesn't snap me out. 

I know I'm stuck,

I know they're trying,

I know I'm not,

I hear them calling my name. I feel someone pick me up, presumably Derek. The feeling of a couch under me doesn't help me escape this nightmare.

He's going to find me,

He's going to take me,

He's going to hurt me,

I'm filled with exhaustion due to the panic, my eyes close and I'm pulled into a deep sleep. I hope to wake up and find this is just a horrid dream. I can look to my right and see Spencer sleeping next to me in my bed. I wake to find I'm not a prey waiting for the preditor to catch me. 

I'm in front of a large house, opening the door to find Spencer walking out of the living room. He's smiling brightly as a little boy, no older than 6, comes bounding down the stairs before he hugs my legs. He calls me mommy and Spencer kisses me before welcoming me home.

I try to walk forward to join him as he walks to the living room but a force holds me back by my waist. I look down to see hands covered by black gloves holding me roughly. I look back up to see my son and Spencer waving as a hand covers my mouth and I'm dragged out of the house.

I jolt up screaming, seconds later I feel Spencer by my side, holding me and whispering in my ear that I'm safe. I don't try to hide my tears, I don't have the will power to do that anymore. 

I compose myself and look around the room. The team is looking at me, a mix of sadness and worry filling their faces. The blinds of the conference room are still closed and the door is shut, I can tell be the lack of light entering from underneath shutters that it's night. 

I hear muffled voices, making it obvious that I'm still having a panic attack. I feel someone lightly shake my shoulder, I move to see Spencer look down at me with caring eyes. He says something about me being responsive, the outside noises still being contorted by anxiety. 

He comes close to my ear so I can understand him and tells me that we will be heading to the hotel. I stand up, still feeling shaky but strong enough to move. Spence rests his hand on my lower back for stability as we walk to the car. 

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