Chapter Twenty-One: Sin City

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~Olivia's POV~

"How does it feel to be an old man?" I was sitting at Spencer's desk, gently swinging my feet while waiting for him to finish so we could go home.

"Honey, you've asked me that every day of the past week and it's the same answer every day. It's horrible, I feel myself slowly rotting away," he says completely blank-face, making me laugh and lightly kick his knee. He's smiling up at me when I see Rossi step up and slap his back.

"Hey, kid! If you feel old what does that make me?" Spence turns to see Rossi looking slightly offended, making his facial expression look so genuine that neither of us knows if he was joking or not, Spencer instantly tense up at Rossi's chip into the conversation.

"Umm... Um- I um- You see-" I start to die laughing at his reaction, most likely because I put him in that position.

"Well, you see it's just um-" Just as he was about to try his best to explain, Garcia walks in waving her tablet in the air.

"Case," She frowns making her way up the stairs.

Every one groans as we follow her to the conference room except for me and Spencer. He's relieved that he doesn't have to explain his joke to Rossi, but I'm still laughing at the wonderful events that just took place. I finally calm down when we sit down at the round table, understanding that we need to get serious now. Spence lightly places his hand on my thigh and I smile up to him in response as we routinely do.

"Hello, my furry friends, today you are heading to the Las Vegas to investigate the 5 murders in the last 3 weeks Laurence Brady, David Walters, Christy Blake, Verna Newton, and Dominic Torres," pictures of people dead in alleyways popped up on the screen as she said each name. They weren't brutally murdered and they are all different ages, ethnicities, and sexes, they were also killed in different ways, seeming all with objects of opportunity.

"Christy Blake was the first girl, 22 years old, stabbed and left behind a dumpster. She was reported by a worker that found her on their smoking break the next day." A young blonde Asian girl popped up on the screen, the stabs were lethal but not obsessive, definitely no overkill. 

"Laurence Brady, 45, found in the middle of an alleyway with his throat slashed... very messily... with a large glass shard" We all grimace at the image showing up on the screen, a middle-aged white man in a casual suit was shown face-up on concrete. She wasn't lying when she said very messy, but once again, this was a lethal cut, no apparent overkill. She shutters before continuing with our other victims.

"Then we have Veronica Newton, 27, and David Walters, 25. They were found together, David was at a bachelor party before he wandered off. 3 hours later, his buddy who was wandering down an alleyway trying to find his way to the hotel found David stabbed with a wooden leg of a chair in the dumpster next to them and Veronica strangled with David's scarf, no one knows what happened." She sighed before clicking her remote.

An image appeared of a white young man in 'party' clothes lying face-down and a brunette Latina woman in a short black dress sprawled out a few feet behind him. The two bodies were far enough away to seem like killing one of them wasn't the plan. This crime scene was different though, not because of the two victims but because there was massive overkill on the guy but not the woman.

"Last but not least, Dominic Torres, 31, he worked as a poker dealer in the casino he was murdered behind. Slit throat but this time cleaner and more excessive, multiple marks were made even after the first one would have been enough. The knife was Dominic's personal pocket knife," Dominic was an African American man dressed in a nice suit, fitting for his job. I couldn't tell if his button-up was supposed to be red or that was just his blood. It was truly gruesome, his neck was butchered and torn to shreds, there was clear violence escalation to these kills. 

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