Chapter Six: Caught

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~TW: suicide, self-harm, murder, hostage~ (Last one like this)

~Olivia's POV~

When I got to the counselor's front door, Rossi and Morgan standing next to me, we heard suppressed sobs on the other side. We gently knocked and a young woman that looked around 25 with a tear running down her cheeks answered the door a few seconds later. We flashed her our badges before Rossi started to the conversation, she quickly wiped her tears away and straight up.

"Hello, Andrea Quinn, can we talk to you about the deaths of Kathy, Brenda, Sheila, Samantha, and Winnie?" After Rossi finished talking she looked at us with her previous tears welling up in her eyes once more. 

"Winnie's de-dead? N-no, she can't be I saw her yesterday at the meet, ho-how can she be... dead?" she stuttered, she took a deep breath trying to calm down then stepped out of the doorway ushering us into her house.

"Ye-yes you can come in." I nod at her and walk-in, my two other teammates close behind me.

"W-would like anything to drink?" We all shook our heads, I sat down on the couch but Rossi and Morgan stayed standing.

"So, you are the person in charge of the SMDA?" Morgan asked as she sat down in a chair across from me.

"I'm not the person in charge I'm in charge of taking care of the girls in the night meetings, the night meetings are specifically for girls who attempted and the morning meetings are for both, but I'm not in charge of anything else. The person in charge is Bert, Bert Kirby. He sets up the times of the meetings, he's the one to contact the parents if someone was truly in danger, he knows the ins and outs of all the people at the meetings. He also holds the files of all the people, their mental disorders, and very intimate details about the girl's tendencies and plans, he had them so if they had to be put in the hospital so the nurses could keep them safe."

"So he knew how the people at SMDA would commit suicide?" I questioned. 

"Well yes, he needed to know what to tell the parents what to keep away from them. I truly distraught about these girls, they were like my chil-" she was interrupted by our walkie talkies blasting. 

"WE NEED INSTANT BACK UP AT 2387 REDBERRY LANE ASAP," We jolted up, instantly filling with adrenaline.

"What? Wait! That's Bert's address! Why do you need backup?!" she said, startled, she jumped up as we did at her realization.

"Ma'am we'll explain everything later, thank you for your time." Morgan hastily replied as we bolted out the door.


The portion of the team I was with sped to the house and quickly put vests on, we saw SWAT cars incircle the house. We came up to the rest of the BUA team and saw a guy looking around 30 screaming as he held a gun to the girl's head. 

"She told me she wanted to blow her fucking brains out so why don't I do it for her?! Huh, she'll just leave me like Sarah left me!" 

Jesus, he's tough.

I walked up, getting in front of the team, aiming my gun at the man as Morgan and Rossi followed me but staying next to the team. I took a deep breath and started talking, the first time I've ever done this of real.

"Sir, I know you've been through a lot, a loved one leaving you like that is hard. My question is why are you killing people that, yes are suicidal and have had trouble, but are reaching out and receiving help. I don't understand your pain, but trust me, the only thing you're doing by killing these women is hurting the parents and the people around them that love them as much as you love Sarah. Trust me, hurting these women and hurting their families will never bring back Sarah. No one in this world deserves the pain you went through, so please for Sarah, release this woman."

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