Chapter One: The First Day

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~Spencer's POV~

It was a normal day of work, well for what I know.

I've been working at the BAU for a few months, 4 months, 6 days, and 15 hours to be exact. I'm the youngest person to ever join the BAU at the age of 19 but that did change how people saw me, they all treated me just they would a new person joining the team. I was talking with Morgan and Emily at the coffee station when Hotch told us all to meet in the conference room.

That's odd.

There was nothing said about a new case but if he was calling us together, in the conference room at that, it must be important. We all gathered our things before walking up the stairs and settling down in the room, Hotch was standing in front of the board with his hands clasps together, something I noticed her does when he's either about to give or receive important information.

"You are most likely wondering why I brought you here on such short notice, well I just wanted to brief you on the new agent coming in, she is-"

"Hello, sorry to interrupt."

A young girl walked through the door, no older than 17, but even with her young appearance, she was beautiful. She has short, brown, bouncy hair paired with an impecable appearance and attitude. The whole team looked at her with confusion and awe as she strutted to the front of the room next to Hotch with a bright smile.

"Hello do you have a case to recommend us, we are in a meeting currently," Morgan asked the girl as nurtrally as possible.

Everyone in the room was shocked sans two people, but her response didn't help the emotions going through our head.

"No, I'm the new agent."

~Olivia's POV~

I woke up in my apartment with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Today's the day

I quickly walked to the bathroom and started my morning routine; brushing my teeth, doing my hair, doing my make up, and getting dressed. I then sped to my kitchen and started making a breakfast of toast and coffee to settle the butterflies swarming in my stomach.

My first day at the BAU


It was almost too good to be true.

The toast popped up and the coffee started to percolate, I quickly grabbed both and headed out the door.

Once I got in the car, I pulled up the directions to the office and started the car. It wasn't like I needed the directions I already memorized the route, not that I wanted to. I have on eidetic memory which most people don't understand. It's more a curse than a blessing, I remember everything but I also remember EVERYTHING.

All I thought about on the ride to the office was how everyone would react with a 17-year-old joining the team.

Would they belittle me?

Would they be scared of my intelligence?

Would they judge all of my predictions?

What if they laugh at me?

What if they think I'm weird because of the way I think

What if they-

"Your destination is ahead on the right," the machine said, thankfully interrupting my thoughts. I counted every event that proceded me starting my day: I turned into the parking lot, swiped my badge, parked, took the last sip of my coffee, and got out of the car.

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