Chapter Seven: An Odd Case

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~Olivia's POV~

I've been working at the BAU for a few months now, I had gotten into a daily routine in the office and an understanding of what to do during and off the field. 

Some cases went really well, we stopped a kidnapping ring and saved over 20 girls, but some didn't end well, I heard about the unsub getting shot after he killed a hostage before I could get there, but thankfully most of the cases end with limited fatalities.

My birthday was coming up in a couple of days, I'll be an adult!

Thank fuck 

The team just got off a case so I was pretty happy at the idea of a chill birthday weekend of relaxation. I don't like celebrating my birthday with anyone, I used to have parties up until I turned 4, then my foster families never celebrated my birthday so I kinda got used to being by myself for everyone. My closest thing to a celebration when I turned 16 and could walk out of the hell hole of my last foster house and got an apartment to live by myself in.

My kiss with Spencer still hasn't come up in conversation, we acted like everything was normal so I guess I was just supposed to forget about it.

I didn't want to. 

But I had to.

I walked into my apartment and looked at the calendar on my fridge and took a deep breath. 

"3 more days, Olivia, 3 more days." 

I grabbed a box of food that I premade for times like these when I was too tired to make something but didn't want take out. I was tucking myself into bed, ready for a long night's sleep, however halfway through I was woken up by my phone singing the annoying tone of a call from the BAU. 

"Hello, Moore, we got an intense case, come to the plane right now we have no time to brief," Hotch told to me quickly and frantic manner. 

"Do I have time to change? I just woke u-" I responded, very confused before he cut me off.

"No time grab your go bag and get here right now" He interrupted me and hung up. I looked down at my clothes,


I'm wearing a pair of short shorts and an oversized button up. 

Nice, the team gets to see me like this.

I grabbed my go-bag, threw on some shoes, and ran outside.

Once I got to the plane I noticed everyone was wearing nice clothes like they were going out somewhere. Then I saw Spencer, he was wearing plaid pajama pants and an old shirt. 

 I laughed at him while plopping down across from him, even though we had a 'don't speak, don't tell' kiss we still went on the have a really good friendship. We related to each other and bonded really well not just because we were young, but because we had mutual respect from each other that you can't find from someone except if they were basically your twin.

"Looked like we had the same plans tonight" I nudged his shoulder with mine.

"I guess so" he responded with a chuckle.

"What's all this about?" Rossi questioned looking very annoyed, he was dressed up head to toe in a very fancy get up but they were slightly out of place, almost like it was rushed on. Morgan looked at him and chuckled, noticing exactly what I noticed. 

"What were you doing? Looking for wife number 4?" As Morgan finished his comment and the round of laughs from the tea dialed down, Hotch came on the plane and passed out the files. 

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