Chapter Nineteen: Sinful

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~TW: corrupt religious usage~ 

~I am not saying Christianity is evil. I believe the people that use religion for hate are the ones in the wrong, not the religion itself.~

~Spencer's POV~

"So, genitals destroyed. They aren't cleanly cut off?" She exhales and raises her eyebrows

"Go see for yourself," she motions towards the dead bodies. When looking at them I felt sick, I've seen a lot of things on this job, but never this bad. It's cut and sliced in pure rage, it shows a juvenile, angry side that in no way matches the scenes.

"This is bad, Via," Olivia walks over to look at it with me. She instantly covers her mouth and closes her eyes, burying herself into my shoulder. 

"God, its worse than I imagined," I just nod in agreement, reluctantly taking photos for the team. When I was done and put the sheet down I tapped on Via's shoulder to let her know it was over.

"I have seen so much at the job, but oh my. I have some questions for the kids when we get there," She still has a disgusted look on her face. 

"What do you want to ask them?" I walk over to the other one and grimace as I see the girl's cuts are worse than the guys.

"Did they have sex?" 


"That actually makes a lot of sense," She just laughs and shakes her head as we exit the room.

"I am smarter than you," I give her a little shove which makes her shake her head again. We give the receptionist a nod and a wave as we exit the building. 


Olivia runs up the team and I see them all turn from her to the board, ready to see how she solved to crime. They then looked at each other confused when she went straight to Hotch then straight into the room with the kids. I tilt my head to the room and Hotch nods, I follow in her footsteps. 

As I walk in I see she has already caught the attention of everyone and was peacefully talking to them. I grin and sit next to her, she slightly smiles at me and quickly rubs my leg before bringing her attention back to the kids.

"This is Dr. Spencer Reid his also going to talk with you guys," She then brings her hand to the side of her mouth, blocking it from me and loudly whispers. "But I'll be the one doing most of the talking." I gasp and hit her arm.

"Via, You're so mean!" She raises her eyebrow at me and shrugs.

"Am I wrong?" I just roll my eyes and hit her again. "there's my answer." The teens laugh, Via seems to be good at calming people down and distraction them.

"Okay, so without the distraction of Spencer here, I have to ask you some questions. They might feel awkward or intrusive but these will help find whoever is doing this." They all nod, the happiness they just had falling into seriousness.

"Do you know if any of the couples had sex?" They all shake their heads.

"I don't think so, this is a very religious town, not a lot of people do before marriage." said a girl that Olivia told me was named Nina. She told me all of their names and gave me descriptions of them so if I had to talk to them alone I would know who they were.

"Yeah, but Alex and Malcolm were talking about going to real rendezvous," Oscar said looking down as if he was ashamed to say it.

"Sarah and Jason, too!" Cora said suddenly.

"Yeah, so did Adrian and Patty!" Nina responded just as shocked as everyone in the room.

"Wait, wait. What the real rendezvous?" I ask interrupting before they could continue talking about the coincidence. Silvia answered my question, clearly the shy one of the group.

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