Chapter Fourteen: Close Call

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~Spencer's POV~

My whole body froze and I felt Via squeeze my hand.

"So, if you don't want Via to die, you are going to call off everyone outside and walk with me." I cringed at her saying Via. No one should say that except for me.

"We got the unsub, move out, well bring her to the office ourselves," Via whispers into my mic. I see whats shes trying to do, make it seem like I was the only one with the mic. Make it seem like this wasn't our idea. 

We walk out of the bar with her, gun still trained in the middle of Olivia's back. We turn into an alleyway right next to the bar and she brings us down far enough away so no one could see us. She throws us against the wall and aims the gun at both of us.

"Aw, look at the special case. I'm devolving for you, how do you feel?" I looked over at Via and she was filled with pure fear. 

"Take off the wire, doctor." she shakes the gun at me. I slowly reach down my shirt and pull out my wire. She then starts the wave the gun at Via motioning for her to take it off as well. 

"I don't have a wire, that's why I leaned over to him to say the orders. We only have 3 wires and 2 of them were being used at the other bar. We gave him the wire because the unsub would most likely be chest level to Reid so the team could hear them better" She keeps her hands up while explaining. God, I forget how smart she is sometimes. 

"Okay, well. Tell me what you two have that I don't!" She waves the gun. Is this what she really wants?

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked with confusion apparent on my face.

"TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE!" She's much more frantic.

"What I have with Spence is the ability to compromise," That's my smart girl. "We are able to take any annoying or unpleasant things that we find in each other and work with them. Like, Spencer sucks in bed, but we made an agreement that I can take care of myself after we have sex." I nod my head, understanding where shes going. She wants us to make it seem like our relationship is obtainable and not something you have to naturally have.

"Yeah, and she's an annoying rambler, like so fucking annoying, so we agreed that I can tell her to shut up anytime I need to. You can have something like us, you just need to try and work it out. Nothing is naturally perfect."  she slightly lowers her gun and nods.

"So? I can have something like you two have?" While she's looking down, Via looks over at me and taps her finger on her head twice, asking if she can call for help. I nod and we look back at her. 

"So, please, let us go." she then let out two exaggerated coughs. 

"No, I can't do that! I can't" She's crying hysterically but her gun is still pointed at us so we couldn't move. Over her sobs we heard the light steps coming down the alleyway. I quickly glanced over to see the team and some police officers walking over to us quietly. 

"Please, I'll do anything! Just don't hurt my Via!" She gets more frantic and agitated at my plea.

"WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT?" She throws her gun on the ground and it shoots on impact. 

The position that the gun falls makes it so when it goes off it hits the unsub straight in the forehead. Blood splatters all over me and Olivia, but Via doesn't move. She stands there frozen while the team runs up to us to assess the situation.

"Via, sweetheart. Come over here." I open my arms to her and she instantly falls into them. I walk with her in my arms out of the alleyway and to the curbside. I sit down and she rests between my legs. We wrap up in each other while commotion happens all around us. 

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