Chapter Nine: A Sorrowful Reunion

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~Olivia's POV~

I drove to the station with Reid while frantically going through the manila folder, organizing the photos. My file was so messy, probably due to the sleepy, panic-induced state that I was in last night. 

When we got to the station I looked over at Reid nervously, he gave me a smile and a nod as I got out of the car. 

"Hotch, I have a major lead, may I present it to the team?" He looked at me concerned 

"This must be serious because you asked me, go right ahead." I then took a deep breath and looked at the team.

"Hello, good morning," I let out a shaky breath, concerning the rest of the team. "Last night when I was looking at the photos of how the girls were positioned on the playset, it reminded me of something." I then slowly took out my childhood photos. 

A happy little girl, right before the incident. I pinned the photos of young me next to the photos of the dead girls, my heart cracking more and more with each placement. 

I took in a deep breath and turned around, the team looked puzzled but surprised at where I attended these perfect match photos of a little kid. 

"These are photos of me." The team's eyes widened, suddenly understanding my mood over the course of this case and why I was much more anxious this morning. 

"I am very concerned about how they got these photos and how they know they exist. They fit perfectly so they are obviously targeting me." Morgan then spoke up as the rest team stayed in silence, still processing the information in front of them. 

"Do you know why he's targeting you?" I slowly nodded 

"Yes, I am-" I was cut off by Hotch's phone ringing, he picked it up and looked at it for a second before placing it on the table.

"Garcia, speaker." her bubbly voice seemed unfitting for the atmosphere of the room but it still made us feel better.

"Hey, guys, so I was looking for people that left the area after the last abduction and then came back right before the first recurring murder and I got a name and address. 536 Rightway rd, name Jonathan" My heart stopped,

"Mollway" I said with Garcia. The team looked at me once again with more concern spreading across their face as my eyes welled up and I shook my head.

"Thank you, Garcia" Hotch closed the phone.

My blood started to boil at the thought that he was the reason for all of this. He has to be the one who did that shit to my mom! I gave the team an angry smile.

"I know what his weakness is..." 

"What is it?" JJ asked 

"His daughter" I let out a humorless chuckle. 

Morgan stood up "Where is she?"

"Let's go, please!" I grabbed my stuff and ran to the door with the team right behind me.


We all got the house and busted through the door. Once we got in we checked all the rooms, an echo of 'clears' filling the house, then finally when down to the basement. 

All the memories came flooding out of me. 

He did this to me?  

He did this to me!

I quickly washed away the bad feelings, I had a job to do. The team found him in that back with a girl tight in his arm and a gun leveled at her temple, I pushed my way to the front, gun still raised.

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