Chapter Two: The First Case

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~Olivia's POV~

I've been working at the BAU for a week and a half now, no new cases but a hell of a lot of questions and concerns for me to go through.

I had to show the team my abilities, I despised showing off, constantly trying to blend into the crowd to stop it from happening but that all changed when I joined. Quite forcefully but it was the job I yearned for so long so I would do anything to keep it.

I found it annoying and ignorant when people think they know more than me about a topic and try to explain it. It comes off a bitchy, especially when people do it because of my age, they think I'm young and dumb so I need to be taught.

Thankfully the BAU understood that I can handle myself and that I'm not just a dumb teenager that has no idea what she's doing, but that didn't come easily. I had to go through faux interrogations with Hotch and Prentiss, spares with Morgan, assessments with JJ, Garcia, and Rossi, and 'brain offs' with Reid where we just talk about interesting facts for long periods of time as everyone one else in the room just stares, utterly confused.

It took a while to prove myself', but once I did it was worth it, they trusted me and I trusted them. By the time that I knew my place in the team, we got our first case.

"A serial killer is in Idaho. Our unsub preys on girls the age 15-22" Garcia said as pictures of women my age popped up on the screen. Everyone looked at me to gauge my reaction to my first case but were surprised when I just looked at the screen and took mental notes, trying to take in every detail of the body and the killings.

"These girls are kidnapped from their home or on their way home. They are usually kept for a few days, then murderer and placed at multiple different dump sites. We've had a pharmacy, the base of a tree, a butcher house, and in one case with a girl named Samantha greens, her own back yard. They are getting faster and faster in time with their hold time going from 4-5 days to 36-48 hours, it starting with once a month and now up to twice a week so we have to hurry."

Hotch stood up after Garcia's quick brief.

"Wheels up in 30,"

Everyone quickly stood up and left while I slowly got on feet trying to understand what that means. Reid must have saw my confusion and walked up to me.

"That means the plane is leaving in 30 minutes,"

"Oh, okay, thank you-" I smile but soon shake my head and turn back to him.

"Wait, how long do I need to pack for and how am I suppose to get that stuff in 30 minutes?"

He looked me in the eye, "Pack for a week and hurry."

So, I ran to my car, sped home to quickly pack.


After a few minutes of throwing a variety of clothes in the bag, not caring if they matched or not. I was able to make it to the plane right before it took off.

"Oh, genius girl is late," Morgan sung seeing me get on the plane out of breath right before take off.

"First of all,- I don't like the word genius- second of all- I didn't know we needed a go-bag and my apartment- is 15 minutes away," I said in between deep breaths, trying to make up for all the air I lost from running from the parking lot to the jet.

"You're acting more and more like Reid every day." Both Reid and I looked at Morgan giving him identical looks of confusion while JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss gave a light laugh in response to our reaction that proved to his statment. I shrugged it off and sat across from Reid so we could play games and talk during the flight.

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