Final plotline and wedding stuff

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Nora Hart (Aron Tara)- Agent that joins the BAU, Leland's ex-girlfriend. She was in love with Leland through college and got with him after Olivia left but he broke up with her due to his still loving Olivia, she was P I S S E D. When Aron found out that Leland had killed himself because of Olivia, Aron did a deep dive into her life, stalking, researching, learning, anything. She found out about Spencer and the BAU so she changed her name to Nora and started taking courses in the academy to be apart of the team. She soared above the others and joined the elite BAU team with our beloveds.

Her plan is to break Spencer and Olivia apart by flirting with Spencer and trying to make him fall in love with her and break up with Via. This works but not in the way she planned, Olivia was pissed that Spencer didn't understand that Myra was flirting because he only had eyes for Olivia.

Via finally snaps when the team goes out for drinks after a case (Nora Jealousy Case) and Nora is taking up all Spencers time and Spence is being too nice to reject her so Olivia gets no time with Spencer. Olivia walks out on him that night when they get home saying 'Once you deal with her then we a can talk' and goes to stay at Penelope's house.

Since Nora was still stalking them she saw this happen but still wasn't satisfied, she went to their apartment and kidnapped Reid, taking him to Leland's mansion. Olivia fell bad and goes back home at 2 in the morning, going straight to her bedroom to not see Spencer there. She tries to call him, hearing it ring in the living room, she turns on the light and sees the house a complete mess.

Meanwhile, Myra is torturing him until he finally admitted that he loved her and not Via, she was happy with this answer. She was explaining her whole plan and how well it went, when she was about to kill him with a gunshot to the head like how Leland died, she wanted Olivia to see what it was like to lose the love of your life to a bullet in the head. The BAU come in and was like 'Hold the fuck up!'.

Myra gets arrested, Spencer and Olivia make up saying how they can't live without each other.

They go one more case (I'm a loser 666's case), during this case though, hSpencer is talking with Derek and Emily about his plan to propose to Via and how they can help. They get back from the case and he proposes to her in the park that's in his locket, it's lined with fairy lights to a little picnic area. Spencer gets down on one knee, utter cuteness ensues.

Spencer's vows
When we started dating you showed me the titanic and at the end of the movie we asked each other a question. Would you rather love and lose or never love at all? We both answered 'I don't know, I'll tell you when I fall in love'. Well, Olivia Moore, I have my answer. I would lose every little thing in my life if it meant I could love you, if it meant I could be your shoulder to cry on, if it meant you could be the person I wake up next to every morning, and if it meant I could be with you for the rest of my life. I love you more than you or I could've ever imagined and I am beyond honored to be in front of you right now, holding your hand as we stand on the altar. I am the luckiest man alive and it's all because of you. I love you so fucking much.

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