Chapter Eighteen: Moving In And Team Bonding

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~Olivia's POV~

The four of us got to Spencer's apartment 30 minutes before the rest of the team to get a head start. I popped open the boxes with Emily and Derek while Spencer went down to talk to his landlord about moving out, we started putting in his 20 million books in boxes when JJ and Garcia showed up with sandwiches and drinks.

"The parties here!!" Penelope yelled as she set down the food. I walked over and hugged her while thanking her for being here then went and repeated the action with JJ.

"So, the big question," JJ said while looking around the room. "Is Spencer here?" I cocked my head.

"Didn't know that was such a big question, but no, he's talking to his landlord," Pen laughed and hit my arm.

"That's not the big question! The big question is what are you doing for Spencer's birthday?" My eyes widened.

"He never told me his birthday was coming up. When is it?" They all looked at me slightly concerned.

"He hasn't told you? it's on Wednesday," Derek asked still putting books into a second box.

"No? Does he not like celebrating his birthday?" They say 'oh' together and nod their heads.

"That's it," Garcia nodded while handing me a sprite.

"What's it?" Spencer walked into the apartment and went straight to me, resting his head on my shoulder while enclosing me in his arms. I turn my head and look up at him

"You didn't tell me your birthday is coming up," I pout at him, half a joke and half genuine.

"Oh, I don't like celebrating my birthday," I can tell he feels guilty for not telling me.

"You still could have told me, how will I know if you're turning into an old man," I turn and playfully punch his arm, He holds it like I seriously wounded him.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He lightly kisses my forehead, "I love you"

"I love you, too" I hit his arm again. "Just tell me things dummy."

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Pen screams running over to us.

"When did you guys say you loved each other?!?" We looked at each other wide-eyed.

"At the hospital, when I woke up," She glared at Spencer and started poking his chest.

"How- dare- you- not- tell- me-" She said between pokes. I started laughing with JJ, Morgan, and Em.

"I'm sorry, it just happened." He put his hands up in surrender and I copied her actions.

"Next thing your going to tell me is that you had sex and didn't tell me," That made Derek and Emily laugh more, and Garcia opened her mouth at their reactions. Before she could say anything else JJ walked up to her and planted a hand on her shoulder.

"Garcia, we can talk about this later. Right now we need to pack." She nodded, still looking playfully angry at us.

I started packing again when I felt my phone go off, I looked at it and groaned seeing it was Hotch.

I don't want another case, not right now.

Boss Man

Boss Man: Sorry, I can't come over. I'm spending today with Beth and Jack.

Boss Man: I hope the move goes well.

Me: That's no problem at all! I'm happy you're spending time with them!

Me: See you Monday :)

Boss Man: See you Monday.

I was going through my phone seeing a text from Rossi.

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