Chapter Twelve: The Start

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~Spencer's POV~

I woke up with a smile on my face, remembering what happened last night.

She's finally mine. 

Damn, I sound like an evil villain.

The first thing that crossed my mind was to text Via good morning. Is this what it's like to have a girlfriend? For her to be the first thing to cross my mind in the morning.

I sure hope so, because I love her being on my mind when I wake up. Such a beautiful image to wake up to. The only thing that could make this better is if I woke up to her being next to me.

Baby Via 

Me: Good morning, lovely girlfriend.

Baby Via: good morning amazing boyfriend

Baby Via: are you going to call me that every day?

Me: Only until it registers in my head that I actually got someone as great as you.

Baby Via: Awwww, stop being so cute.

Baby Via: Don't worry. I'm all yours as long as you're all mine :)

Me: I'm all yours <3

Baby Via: Good <3

I get up to get ready for the day, not having much planned for the day. All I really want to do is watch AHS while thinking of Via, so I'm pretty sure that's what's going to happen.

I can't wait to tell Hotch with Via tomorrow, it will make it fully official to me. It's odd but the okay from Hotch is like the okay from a father to date their daughter.

I order some takeout food for the day and lounge on the couch,  expecting a carefree day when I hear a knock on my door.

~Olivia's POV~

I'm woken up at 9 by a cute text from Spencer. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to so I decide to return the offer and surprise him.

I get up and quickly start to get dressed in a cute yet really comfy fluffy crop top and a pair of leggings. 

I run to the cafe down the street to get coffee and treats to bring to Spencer. I get a black coffee with a buttload of sugar and a hot caramel mocha latte. I also pick up an almond croissant and a chocolate glazed donut with sprinkles.

I make a last-minute call to go to the nearest corner store and pick up some candy and chips for if we spend to day together.

I walk up to Spencer's door, suddenly very nervous. I give two light knocks and hear some shuffling on his side of the door before its opening.

"Via!" He says in happy shock, I give him a bright smile and a peck on the cheek.

"Surprise! You gave me a good morning text so I gave you a good morning snack," I said walking into his apartment and setting the coffee and treats down on his counter.

"Well thank you for the coffee and- is that a chocolate glazed donut with sprinkles! These are really nice snacks," He chuckled walking over to me and resting his hands on my waist. 

"No, I'm the snack, baby." 

"Wh-what does that mean?" He looks at me with utter confusion.

"Well, the urban dictionary says its a person who is delicious and cute," I say with a giggle. I forgot how, even though he's young, he doesn't know some of the things that are usually said.

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