Chapter Seventeen: The Words

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~Olivia's POV~

I sent the email with everything in me that they got the message in the email and didn't think that it was an actual goodbye note. I quickly went to bed, trying to stay away from him as long as I can. 

I hope that they could find me. 

I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of Spencer and the team. Our reunion, the happiness, I can tell Spencer. How I love-

I'm jolted up by being shaken roughly and open my eyes to see a furious Leland.

"Do you think I'm dumb! You thought I wouldn't find the little message that you sent to your team! I'm gonna make you pay! I thought you loved me!" he picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

"You said you loved me, Liv!" I start to cry, I have to show fear around him.

"I do, baby! I do!" He throws me into the floor.

"Oh really than who's Spencer?!" I shake at his name coming out of Leland's mouth, it's full of hatred and violence.

"He means nothing to me! I only need you!" I grab his ankle, hating that I'm begging beneath someone and hating that I was begging beneath him. 

"Oh, yeah?! Then why don't I kill him? Spencer Reid, tall, lanky, brown hair and brown eyes." I cry, he could kill him if he wanted and he really wants to.

"No! Don't kill my Spence," the words come out before I could control them. I cover my mouth and crawl back away from him.

"Your Spence!?" He scoffs at me and pulls a needle full of liquid out of his pocket. "You're going to regret that."

I try to get up and throw a punch, but before I could hit him I feel a sharp pain in my neck and a liquid go straight into my bloodstream. I collapse and blackout.

I start to gain feeling in my body when someone comes in and holds me.


 I'm drifting in and out of consciousness, I can see his lips moving but I can't hear him. I try to tell him about the poison but I don't know if anything I'm saying is coming out understandable. I tell him about the email and ask if they got him. 

He smiles and nods which makes me smile. I missed him, even though it was only a day.

The medics came in but Spencer stayed by my side every moment. I feel myself decay from the inside, slowly rotting away.

He needs to know.

"Spence. I- I-" I see dark, I don't feel anything. It's all white, though that's probably the lights of the ambulance. I'm suddenly awake again and I feel myself moving, I still feel Spencer's hand on mine. I was under again, I don't know if its surgery, death, or an odd mix of both.


I open my eyes hours later, expecting to see the pearly gates or just darkness, but I see a hospital room with Spencer asleep next to me.

"Spencer?" I have a hoarse voice but smile when I see him light up at my consciousness. 

"Baby! You're awake!" He jumps up and throws his arms around me. I wince at his tight hug and he instantly pulls away.

"I'm sorry, Via. I'm just so happy to see you awake." I smile at him sweetly and purse my lips tot tell him I want a kiss. He quickly complies and lightly kisses me, I giggle at his gentleness. He sits down and grabs my hand, suddenly turning very serious. 

"Via, before I bring the team in here, I want to tell you something." I grow intensely concerned not trying to hide it from my face.

"No, baby, don't worry! It's not bad." I nod but I'm still very concerned.

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