Chapter Three: Investigation

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~Tw-Mentions of self-harm, suicide, and mental disorders~

~Olivia's POV~

We landed the plane and went straight to the station to talk to the head of the police and find out where to set up. As we walked up to the chief he gave us a smile and warmly greeted us.

"Hello, I'm Chief Anderson, I believe you are the behavioral analysis unit?" 

 "Yes, we are. This is agent Morgan, Jareau, Prentiss, Rossi, Moore, and Dr. Reid" We all gave Anderson a handshake, but Reid kindly declined by a wave.

"Do you have somewhere can we set up?" Reid questioned 

"Oh, right this way, we have saved a conference room for you," Anderson said, leading us to a big conference room with boards already set up so we could put the evidence and pictures up. 

Once we put the pictures up on the board I started staring intensely at the bodies and crime scenes. After a minute of concentration, I noticed an odd detail on all the body, self-harm marks, burns, cuts, and large patches of pain marks.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice behind me broke my trance, making me jump. I turned around and noticed it was Reid. I turned back to the board and pointed at different parts of the bodies. 

"Do you see that? Either torture marks or self-inflicted but they're on all the bodies" I told him. He looked at the bodies and then looked at me. 

"Hum, I didn't notice that." Hotch came to assigned us an area to investigate after a minute of me and Reid pointing out more similarities in the body. 

"Okay, Prentiss and Morgan go to the last dumpsite, Moore and Reid go to the M.E., I'll stay here with Rossi and JJ to try to pinpoint more things about the victimology"

We all dispersed and started our way to our appointed spots. I was pretty happy to get to see the body, not that I liked to see dead bodies, it's just because I could test out a theory I have.

"Hey, you drive" I yelled towards Reid throwing him the keys, a look excitement flashed in his eyes as he ran to the driver side of the car. 


He's your coworker! Stop! 


We arrived at the M.E. and walked into the morgue, putting up our FBI badges before we started talking to the receptionist. We asked to see the reports and the bodies of the victims, she nodded and gave us directions to the rooms where they were. 

As I looked at the report nothing was said about any recent marks alluding to torture. I showed Reid and pointed out my speculation. 

"I think my theory was right, the victims all have a recent battle with self-harm, maybe that's our unsubs MO. Looking for people suffering from that stuff and killing them. They possibly dealt with a close member of their life killing themself and so they kidnap girls with suicidal thoughts and show them there is something to live for, then kills them to cover their tracks. He thinks he's doing something good." I said fast, ramble-like but I knew exactly what I was saying. 

He looked at me with a tiny impressed grin on his face as he looks back at the bodies.

~Spencer's POV~

"...He thinks he's doing something good." 

What the hell did we do to deserve this brain on our team? 

I was so impressed that she comes up with all that so fast by just looking at a few marks on the body. She talked fast but she was speaking with such grace, something I was never able to do well. I looked back at the body trying not to smile due to the situation but one slightly came out and I know for a fact she noticed it.

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