Chapter Thirteen: Too Close For Comfort

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~Olivia's POV~

I felt a pair of lips softly hit my cheek and then quite whispers in my ear.

"Via? Sweetheart? Wake up lovely. We're landing in 20 minutes, you need to get up." I feel Spence start to move under me which only made me snuggle into him tighter.

"You move and I'll call the FBI on you." I hear small chuckles around me as Spencer lifts me and leans me against him. I finally open my eyes and see half of the team looking at us.

"JJ, Spencer moved." I heard a giggle come from his mouth as he kissed the back of my head.

"Via is that what you mean when you say you'll call the FBI?" I firmly nod my head.

"JJ, arrest him, we already have two geniuses on the team." I hear an exaggerated gasp behind me while the team laughs at my comeback. I turn my head to look at him and he just shakes his head with a bright smile across his face.

I position myself upright against the seat, fully woken up. I feel Spencer's hand rest on top of mine, shifting it so our hands are interlocked. 

"Okay so, Morgan and Prentiss go to the ME, Reid and Moore got to the last crime scene, and I will go with JJ and Rossi to the sheriff's office." we all nod. The team gets off the plane and goes into a car with their group so they can go to their assigned places.

"Are you nervous about this case?" Reid asks, breaking the comfortable silence in the car.

"Not any more than I'm nervous about other cases? Why?" 

"It's just... they're like us" 

"Sweets, do you remember where they take the couples from? Bars. Now lovely, when is the last time that we've been in a bar together, not with BAU?" I give him a raised eyebrow, I know he can feel it even though he can't see me.

"You're right. You're always right." He smiles and brings our interlocked hands to his lips.

We arrive at the last crime scene, it's the one with the couple against the dumpster. I'm looking at the area where they were laying when a police officer comes up to me. She holds a sad smile and extends her hand to greet me.

"Hello, I am officer Cheryl Fuller," I shake her hand and greet her with the same expression.

"Hello, I'm SSA Olivia Moore. Sad circumstances we are meeting under." She nods her head at my comment. I look around the scene once again trying to find a fault. 

"Have you seen anything odd here, well, other than the bodies of course." The officer shakes her head.

"No, we haven't seen anything. The killer is incredible at hiding he-their tracks. The positioning is also amazing, its smart. When people walk by they just see a couple having sex, not dead bodies." I'm able to keep my face straight but I'm unsettled by her backtrack and comments. I nod my head and walk over to Spence. I talk to him in a whisper but in a way where it looks like we're talking about the crime scene.

"I don't trust officer Fuller, she had a slip up where she started to say her instead of their when talking about the unsub, shes also praising. I think she's working with the unsub and they're female." He looks up at me and I give him a look so we can keep our tracks covered. He instantly looks back down and begins to talk to me.

"I think we should tell the team, but I don't think we should take her up just yet. She could slip up ag-" I cut him off when I notice something odd on the floor, I squat down and he follows right next to me.

"Baby, look. The ground is darker here like it had a liquid that was wiped up but didn't dry out because if the shade. This means they dragged them and tried to cover their tracks." He looks at me and we lock eyes, we both understand what this means. His words just confirm my beliefs. 

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