Chapter Fifteen: The Messages

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~Spencer's POV~

"Well, shit" I hear Olivia whisper under her breath. I look at her with sad eyes.

"I don't want you to go on the field," I whisper into her ear.

"No, I have to. This could just be a crazy coincidence, I mean there are a lot of women with brown hair and brown eyes and maybe this guy likes office ladies. I help the team on cases and I'm not going to stop that because of some paranoia. I'm going on the field. Garcia, please continue." she nods and looks back at everyone in the room.

"So these are happening in lovely Washington DC. There are 6 victims over the past month, Velma Dunn, 23, worked as a waitress. Shawna Powell, 21, a college student. Pearl Santiago, 25, start-up physician. Bessie Adams, 21, also a college student but a different school. Jessica Floyd, 22, barista and aspiring actress. Finally, Kelly Warner, 24, DJ. Like I said these girls are tortured, filmed, and killed by strangulation supposedly, his hands. They are left in alleyways with the message 'All I want is her' written in their blood." 

This isn't looking good.

As I thought of her, she spoke up. "This guy is an obsessed stalker, he stalks girls he believes is the main person of his interest. When he finds out that it's not her, he kills them out of frustration and possibly uses them as surrogates for that girl depending on the relationship. Then he dumps them and writes his demand on the wall." JJ then speaks up.

"Well then why does he dress them up in business clothes? He sees girls who are obviously not in that field."

"Well," Morgan started "He might know her from when they were little and knew that's what she aspired to be or he fell for the idea that she wanted to be in that field. So if he saw them as students or culturally low-level jobs, he thinks that's her learning so puts her in those clothes or sees the one with a transformed job and tries to change them back to the into what Oli-his person of interest wanted to be," Oliva stood up angrily.

"Can we stop assuming that he's after me! As we can see, many people that I look like, just because they're in business clothes and he's in DC doesn't mean he's after me. No one cared for me before I came here! It's not possible! You are skewing the profile based on biased accusations. Until there are undeniable facts that it is me, I am not going to stop defending my point!" She took a deep breath and stood back down.

"I'm sorry for the outburst, please don't base the profile around me until my name come out of their mouth." We all nod.

"Wheels up in 10" We all stand up and go out of the conference room, I pull Via back into the conference room.

"Sweetheart are you sure you're okay?" She lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Yes. Can we stop assuming?" 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just you seem aggravated, that's all." I pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, baby." She pulls away and gives me a quick kiss before we grab our go bags and head to the jet.


We were on the jet reading over case files and tossing around theories, the team accidentally said Olivia instead of women of interest from time to time that made them receive angry glares from her in return.

"Hello lovelies, I arrive with some bad news. Another body was found, Annie Sutton, 22... criminal investigation student. The message this time was, 'will this get her to notice me'." 

"He changed it the message and he's escalating," I heard Prentiss say behind me. 

"Yeah" Via shakily whispers. I drape my arm around her and pulled her close to me. 

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