Chapter Ten: Mornings with Spencer and Olivia

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~Olivia's POV~

I woke up and turned over expecting to touch Spencer but when I felt nothing, I swiftly opened my eyes and saw an empty bad. I started worrying that he changed his mind in the middle of the night and left me, but my nerves faded away when I smelled bacon and heard music coming outside the bedroom door.

I had a dorky smile as I walked into the kitchen and saw Spencer cooking bacon and pancakes. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my hands around him while resting my head on his back.

He jumped at the unexpected touch but quickly relaxed realizing it was me.

"Good morning, Via," he said cheerfully, still focusing on cooking.

Via? How cute!

"Via huh?" I beamed and giggled into his back at the cute, unique nickname he gave me.

"You don't like it?" He turned around quickly, analyzing my face as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"I thought it was nice because everyone says Liv and I thought that Via was cute just like you," He brushed my hair behind my ear and bopped my nose as he talked, a light blush brushed against my face while I scrunched my nose at his action.

"See? Right there," he said, poking at my pink cheeks, I lightly shook my head while burying my head into his chest and hugging him tighter.

"Go back to cooking boy genius." I let him go from my grasps but before I left I gave him a light kiss on the cheek and red spreads across them in seconds. 

"Look you got it, too," I said while laughing and walking into my bedroom.

~Spencer's POV~

"Look you got it, too," I chuckle to myself and flip the last pancake over into a plate. I hear the bedroom door shut and some shuffling before Olivia came out of the room with a hand full of clothes.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower, we have a party to attend tonight." she lets out a light scoff "You wanna know something funny and kinda sad? I haven't had a birthday party since the 'incident'. I don't think the team knows this, but when I got to the police station they told me that my mom was found dead in our house the day after I was kidnapped. They never told me how she died when I was little but when I got older they told me it wasn't suicide, I think my dad killed her." a tear slowly fell from her eye. 

I opened my arms while walking towards her and she gratefully accepted the request, stepping into the hug with her clothes still tight in her grip, I tightened my grip on her as Via started crying slightly harder. She looked up at me a minute later with a soft yet sorrow-filled smile. 

"After that I was put into witness protection and the foster system. I think I rolled a bad hand in family life because I only got shitty foster parents and when they were good they couldn't handle my big brains," she gave a light laugh and I chuckled with her before she continued. 

"But I never got parties for my birthday, I was settled with a foster family when I was 10 that only wanted me for the checks but wasn't bad enough for me to be taken out. Thank the lord that I was able to get out on my 16th birthday, I was deemed smart enough to live alone which quite honestly I could have left when I finished high school at 11 but-" she shrugged and buried her head into my chest once again. I gave her a light kiss on the top of her head before resting my chin on it, rubbing the side of her arms. 

"Do you know how brave you are? It takes a lot to go through what you went through and still come out as amazing as you are."

"Shut up" she laughed, it was muffled because of her head against me, she looked back up at me with that same sad smile. 

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