Chapter Eleven: 18th Birthday Party

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~Olivia's POV~

"Bye, Via. See you at the party."

I close the door with a big grin on my face, it's sad that I can't be all mushy with him at the party, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do. I was finished with my hair and makeup in 10 minutes due to the lack of the cute distraction that was in my apartment all day.


While I'm driving to an address on my phone sent to me by Garcia, I get a call from Spencer. I look at the caller ID in confusion for a second before picking it up and placing it in my cup holder.

"What's up, Spence?" 

"Nothing much, I have a question though. Do you want a keychain or a necklace?" I hear shuffling, odd chatter, and the uneasy sound of multiple music types awkwardly clashing in the background as he talked.

"Why? Oh! Nope, nope, don't give me a present or I swear! I don't want presents." I beg, I never got presents when I was younger and I really don't want to get my hopes up now, I don't even know if this would be a regular thing. I too new at this 'sorta actually fitting into your surroundings' thing.

"Necklace it is then. See you at the party, Via!" 

"Spencer, ple-" and then he hung up on me.

I forgot to tell the team that I didn't want any presents or a big celebration. I haven't had any kind of party thrown for me in ages. No birthdays, graduation party, or celebrations of any kind. 

I don't even know how to react to someone singing me happy birthday. Do I smile? Do I sing along? What happens?


I pull up to the house that Penelope sent me too, but it's not a house- its a fucking mansion. Did they rent out a mansion for my 18th birthday? 

They've better not.

As I walk up to the door, I'm frantically fixing my dress and hair, making sure that I look good. I ring the bell, super scared about what's happening on the other side. I ring again after the door doesn't open and no one responds. After the second repetition, I decide to text Pen about the door because I'm scared this was just one big prank on me or I'm at the wrong house.

Hacker Goddess <3

Me: Hey, Pen

Me: I'm at the place but no one is coming to the door?

Hacker Goddess <3: Just open the door love!

Me: Okay?

I open the door to see an empty and dark front room. 

Damn, am I about to get killed?

When I walk out of the front room, I hear some shuffling and someone counting down. 

This is it.

See the light. 

All of a sudden, all the lights turn on and the whole team jumps up. 

"Happy Birthday!" everyone yelled. I look around the room, there is brightly colored ribbon all-around the living room, kitchen, and backyard. There is a giant banner hanging over the fireplace that says 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA'. I cover my mouth with my hands. 

"Guys, You didn't!" I feel tears come to my eyes because of the pure happiness coursing through my veins. Penelope sees my tears and runs up to me. 

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