Chapter Five: The Closer Look

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~TW: mentions of suicide and self-harm, murder and crime~

~Morgan's POV~

It was 8:00 and everyone was due to the office at 8:30, I wanted to make sure that everyone was awake so I went to check in on them in their rooms. 

I went to JJ and Prentiss's room first, I knocking in repetitions of 5, until JJ opened the door. 

"Good morning!" she said with a bright smile, she was fully dressed, clearly being awake for a while. 

"Good morning, sweetie. Just wanted to make sure you two were up and at em. We need to be at the station in 30." 

"Thank you! See you in a bit." I heard Prentiss yell from the back of the room. 

"Bye," JJ said sweetly with a grin, I nodded with a smile before heading to Moore and Reid's room. 

I lightly knocked, surprised when I didn't hear a response, so I knocked a little harder. 

Still no response. 

That's weird he usually gets up way earlier. 

I then took a keycard and swiped it so I could check on them. When I walked in I saw a strange but oddly non-surprising scene.

 Moore and Reid in one bed. 

Moore had her head resting on Reid's chest, hugging him, and Reid had one hand on her head and the other around her waist. 

What happened here? 

I slowly walked out of their room so they didn't know I saw what I saw and decided to wake them up with a phone call.

He will never hear the end of this from me

~Spencer's POV~

I was woken up to a phone call from Morgan. 

"Morning pretty boy, we have 30 minutes till we had to be at the station, just wanted to make sure you and Moore were up." He was unnervingly cheery on the other side of the phone. 

"Yeah, I'm getting up. Sorry, I guess I slept in." I responded in a raspy voice, as I got up Olivia grabbed my hand. 

"No, please don't go." She said in a voice as hoarse as mine.

"Is that Moore, why is she saying that?" you could tell there was a big smile on the other end. 

"Um, she's tired a-and when I turned on the light she didn't want to wake up," I responded trying to cover up, I definitely wouldn't hear the end of it from the team if they found out about last night. 

"Ok pretty boy, see you at the station. Bye," then he hung up, sounding like he was holding back laughter.

"Come back," she said while holding her hands out, making grabby hands, telling me she wanted more cuddles.

"I can't, we need to be at the station in 30 minutes." I sadly responded, really wanting to stay in bed with her all day. Her eyes shot open at what I said and she shot up. 


She fumbled up, grabbing clothes and running to the bathroom in a frenzy. I chuckled lightly at her cuteness and grabbed my clothes to change in the room while she got ready.

As I was buttoning up my shirt I heard Olivia start to talk from the other side of the bathroom door. 

"Sorry about last night, by the way, I just was scared. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, it was really unprofessional," I could tell she was sorry but not exactly regretful of her action.

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