Chapter 8: Attention-seeker; Park Jimin

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"So, your class is going to perform another stage play?" Asked Sana who take a bite of her tonkatsu.

"Yeah, but I decided not to participate. I don't want Jimin to be my leading man." Dahyun answered while taking a sip of her bottle of orange juice.

"Why? Is something wrong about him?"

"Earlier, he tried to flirt with me. Apparently he's one of the actors last stage play where Eunwoo was killed. He's the antagonist who hates Eunwoo so much because he always "stole" his spotlight."

Dahyun's explanation made Sana triggered. "That guy is flirting with my Dahyun?! If I was there I would've pushed his face up on the wall!"

"Sana-unnie? Are you okay?" Luckily, Dahyun is here beside her or she wouldn't calm down and snapped out.

"Sorry. Yes, I'm fine. I'm just kind of tired."

"Is that why you went to the rooftop earlier?"


"Unnie... I'm very sorry about earlier."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Because I kinda ignored you earlier while I'm talking with Momo-unnie." This caused a smile to form into the Japanese's lips.

"She's concerned. Aww..."

"Don't worry about me. That's your childhood bestfriend, right? Of course you would and have to care about her more." Sana reassured her but the younger shooked her head.

"But that doesn't mean I had to ignore you. You're special to me, too. Maybe more than Momo-unnie..." She whispered the last part as her cheeks started to heat up.

"Sorry, I didn't hear the last part. Can you say that again?" Sana stated in confusion. She really didn't hear the last part, geez.

Seriously Sana, your ears are all up if there's someone who likes or flirts with Dahyun but when the latter finally said something that could make the older's heart flutter, she didn't hear it.

"I-I... I have to go! See you after school, unnie!" Dahyun fixed her lunch box without even finishing her food before running from Sana.



"You ran away from Sana? Pft-" Momo held back a laugh in front of Dahyun. After the younger ran away from her other unnie, she decided to join Momo and Tzuyu for lunch.

"I really didn't want to, but I'm afraid that I would say weird things in front of her."

"But really, this is the first time I've seen you so flustered."

"Seriously? But what should I do? I'm afraid that I would run away from her again."

Momo smiled at her childhood bestfriend. She thinks that finally, Dahyun had found someone she likes.

"Aren't you invited to be the leading lady of the next stage play? Maybe you should accept that. Maybe that could divert your mind from Sana."

"Maybe, but Sana-unnie would still come with me."

"That would be a problem." Tzuyu stated after being quiet the whole time. They decided to think of another way until the bell rang.

"Sorry, Dahyun. I can't help you today. Maybe next time. See you!"



While Dahyun is on her way back, she bumped into Jimin in the hallways.

"Oh, you again. My, my... We kept on seeing each other. We're really destined for each other." Jimin flashed a flirty smile that made Dahyun flinched.

"We only met for 3 times. Don't be too overwhelmed." The younger deadpanned.

"You're really hard to get, huh? I like it. Let's hang out someti-"

"Do you want me to hang you instead?" A voice behind them deadly stated.

"Wha- Who the hell are you?"

"Minatozaki Sana. Your worst nightmare..."

"Who do you think you are? Go mind your own business."

"I am minding my own business. 'Cause my business is Dahyun." Sana shoved Jimin away and approached the younger.

"Go back inside your classroom now." Dahyun could only nod at the Japanese before entering the classroom.

Jimin looked at the older furiously. "I'll get back at you, Minatozaki." Before entering the classroom, too.

Sana peeked on the window to see if Jimin's doing something that makes Dahyun uncomfortable. Luckily, he wasn't and seemed scared by Sana already.

Sana walked away from the classroom and at the back of the school.


"Why are you here and why did you call me?" Sana questioned the person in front of her, Miyeon.

"I can feel the tension from my house. There's someone who likes Dahyun again, right?"


"Here." Miyeon gave Sana her knife.

"Again? What should I do about this?"

"A lot. You could frame Jimin or just kill him."

"How could frame him?"

"Jimin is known to be another popular student in this school. And he hates Eunwoo for being ahead of him. Now that he's gone, he thought he could be in the spotlight again. He's even happy that Eunwoo is dead now. You could also use that information for evidence."

"You have one heck of a big brain, Miyeon."

"Oh please, I don't gather informations for nothing." Miyeon smirked. "Jimin have stage practice after school. Kill someone while using a glove to prevent your fingerprints from getting into it. Place the bloody knife into Jimin's bag and report him to the principal."


"Goodluck, Sana."

"I don't need it. I know I will succeed..."


I will update again later on tonight. Please do wait patiently, thank you!

Sorry if the chapter looks like trash, I don't have much ideas to make Sana mad at Jimin.

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