Chapter 21: The lesser known Atlantean Legends... Part 1

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'Seriously?!!!' Donald glared angrily at his Uncle Scrooge. 'First Della and Oliver, now this?! If I make it out of here alive-' Donald's eyes went wide, as he watch Aria's body shake in time with the temple. As she tripped over the gold, trying to get away from the glowing blue stone in the center, the jewel itself grew brighter the closer she got to it.

"Um... Aunt Aria? Are you... OK?" Donald asked the female duck. Aria turned his way with a low growl, her golden eyes now again a miss-matched glowing red and blue. Dewey backed up into Scrooge, who turned around with a huge gulp as he noticed their second immediate problem. Aria's body began to morph into a huge spiky sea dragon...

"Bless me bagpipes...The legendary sea serpent Karmanda!"

"Does Uncle Scrooge really have connections to all cool supernatural beings of death?!" Dewey exclaimed in excitement.

"Oi! Arianna is more than that... She's my wife!" Donald immediately face-palmed.

"We're doomed."


Back with Launchpad, Webby and the boys, William had his hands in his pockets. What would he do if Scrooge was really his dad? Why didn't his mother and Aunt tell him and Webby in the first place? He had done enough people watching on their 'training expeditions' to know that the was something else to this madness. Of course, neither Scrooge McDuck or Aria Beakley were normal... So if his mother words were true, neither was he or Webby. He had enough evidence in his daily observations that confirmed his mother's identity. Heck, he even secretly trained himself in his own magic.

"Hahahah! Take them down!" William was pulled out of his thoughts to find a strange Scottish male duck with a funny beard, two wolves attack Launch pad and the boys. The female duck went after his sister. William's eyes narrowed at the sight before letting out a war cry.

"GET OFF MY SISTER!" William shouted,  as he charged, throwing the older female duck back. He kicked and scratched and clawed the best he could. No one was gonna hurt his sister. Not on his watch.


Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now