Chapter 14 - Motherly Instincts

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Aria awoke to 5 terrified screaming ducklings, and her body moved faster than lightning as she drop kicked a sea monster square in the face. She pulled Dewey, Huey, and Scrooge from it's grasp, and pushed them behind her. A low threatening growl exited her throat, warning it to stay away, and her eyes glowed golden white.

"Leave my family alone!" Aria roared at it, pulling out a sharp crystal sword and pointing it at the multi-legged winged sea creature. Fright consumed the entity, and it hurriedly escaped down the toilet, desperate to get away. Aria firmly shut the bathroom door, and sheathed her sword. She turned around to find all five duckling shaking with fear. Even Scrooge seemed to be a little shocked as well. Aria's eyes faded to normal, before she walked between them and sat down. Scrooge's eyebrows raised, and his eyes slightly watered as Aria began to sing a song she hadn't spoken in years.

"Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours,
I am forever yours.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon enfant,
You're always in my prayers.
Softly, sweetly, wrapped up in heaven's arms.
Sailing, soaring, over the moon, gathering stardust.
Be still, be safe, be sure.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours.
Wishing, praying, all of your dreams come true.
Please remember, where 're you are, my heart is with you.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon enfant,
You're always in my prayers.
I am forever yours.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours."

The ducklings quickly calmed down as her angelic soft voice sang to them. Suddenly Huey ran up to Scrooge.

"Can we make a pit stop? I have to use the bathroom, but it's um...occupied." Huey shut the door on another sea creature.

"Another one?!" Aria grumbled. Protecting this lot was definitely more than she had been used to in a long time. Still, she would never stop fighting to make sure they were safe.

"For the love of- It's the middle of the ocean. There are no pit stops!" Scrooge returned, flabbergasted.

"How about that inconspicuous unmarked tanker?" Launchpad suggested, as he looked through the periscope. Aria looked at the large boat.

"I suppose it'll do, " she sighed, lightly. "Scrooge, you go with him. And no snooping for treasure on it either! I don't want to have to fish your ass and Huey out of an angry demon's jaws, because you took his favorite jewel, or something of that ilk."

"Ari! It was one time!" Scrooge protested as Launchpad maneuvered the sub net to the boat.

"Maybe so, but I'd rather not have a repeat of our holiday trip to Barbados in 1893."

"Aye! I'm with you on that one, " Scrooge agreed. "Not exactly the best idea, but at least you were there. Speaking of which, how did you manage to make him back down?"

"Now that would be telling. Wouldn't it, darling?" Aria smirked back.

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