Chapter 20 - Flintheart Glomgold

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The 3 ducks carried onward, Dewey now taking the lead, with Aria and Scrooge following behind. As they reached an alcove, they gasped seeing the treasure filled room. That is, until Dewey spotted a male duck wearing a kilt.

"Who's that?"

"Flintheart Glomgold. The poor man's version of me... Which to be fair, still makes him insanely rich." Scrooge explained

"They've got Uncle Donald!" Dewey yelled, and he jumped onto a pile of gold coins, sliding down to free the older duck.

"What?!" Aria followed him quickly while Scrooge dived into the money, swimming undetected.

"Let go of my Uncle!" Dewey demanded. Glomgold faced the young duckling.


"I wasn't prepared for that!" Glomgold ignored the duckling, and turned around to face an angry motherly duck. She grabbed him by the collar and hoisted the struggling male duck up in the air, her naturally golden eyes shifting to an unnatural blood red and ice blue.

"LET. DONALD. GO!" Aria seethed, and her feathers began to glow with white fire. Two twin wolves tackled her to the ground, causing her to drop Glomgold. "Oof! Get off me, you mangy mutts!" Aria yelled at them, and she kicked them both away. Meanwhile Scrooge had tripped up Glomgold with his cane.

"What are you doing here, Flinty?" Mr. McDuck questioned the male duck. Aria walked to stand next to Dewey, and protect him from the others, since they had let go of Donald.

"What are you doing here, Scrooge?! I told you to keep the boys safe!"

"Oh they're perfectly fine! " Scrooge answered assuredly.

"Oh yeah?! Where are the other 2?"

"Back in the room with the fire and the snakes!" Aria immediately facepalmed at Scrooge's response.


"Ah, Scroogie. I see you know my newest employee." Glomgold gloated as he smiled evilly.

"Your new job is with my sworn enemy?!"

"I can't keep track of all you sworn enemies!" Donald defended himself.

"Now, now. Donald has been a model employee. And an excellent prisoner." Glomgold laughed.

"Yeah...wait what?!"

"Hiring my own nephew in order to use him against me?  Now that is good planning." The two wolves and the female assassin grabbed Donald Duck and dragged him with them to the exit. Donald got thrown back into the room with the gold, Glomgold still holding the huge red jewel.

"Have fun being the second richest duck in the world... For the next 5 minutes!  Ah hahaha!" The yellow dressed female threw a dagger at a panel in the ceiling,  closing the door as water began to pour into the room.

"I'd like to point out that this trap, was not my fault!"

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now