Chapter 15 - How Scrooge met Aria

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While Scrooge took the boys aboard the boat for the bathroom, Webby stayed in the sub with Aria.

"Aunt Aria...?" Webby unknowingly stood in front of her mother.

"Yes dear?"

"Um, could you possibly tell me the story of how you and Mr. McDuck first met?" Aria chuckled at the memory.

"Of course, Webby. It was a day I know I'll never forget. I was visiting my birth mother Lyrali, Lady of the Lake-"

"Your mom was the Lady of the Lake?!" Webby interrupted in excitement. Aria smiled warmly.

"Yes, my dear. Now as I was saying, I was visiting my mother, who at the time was in the middle of a important meeting with the McDuck family. I of course was bored out of my mind, and so I decided to explore. I made my way to the library,  because as you know, knowledge is power. However, I never made it. You see,  someone had been stalking me, and as I turned around, there was Scrooge. Face red as a tomato in embarrassment as he tripped over his own feet... And landed directly in front of mine."


"Sorry!" A 15 year old Scrooge apologized profusely, his face becoming darker, as the more flustered he became.

"It's alright. It's my fault for scaring you in the first place. Here, let me help you up." A young Aria held out her hand to him, and he took it. His eyebrows shot up as she easily pulled him from the floor. "There. You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"N-No. I'm... I'm ok," Scrooge assured her. "You're Arianna Muerte, right?"


"Arianna Muerte?" Webby looked confused. "I thought your name was Aria Beakley."

"It is. My full birth name is Arianna Eveyln Muerte. I never aged, due to my parentage. I met Bentina Beakley when she was just a toddler. Her parents hired me as her governess/babysitter, but she liked me so much, they decided to adopt me as her sister instead. She was quite a clever and persistent little one. She'd always hide my keys, like the one to my house. The keyring charm had a glowing purple and blue geode, and she'd stare at it for hours." Aria explained. "Finally I gifted it to her on her 6th birthday."

"You mean that keyring used to belong to you?!" William asked, surprised. The boys had just returned, and they now continued on their way. Aria nodded.

"Anyway, back to the story."


"You're Arianna Muerte, right?" Scrooge asked, even though he knew the answer. He had been watching her for quite sometime now. Trying to work up the courage to talk to her wasn't as easy as it looked. He felt quite foolish as he had sent her letters to her room,  and a bouquet of wild flowers would mysteriously be replaced every other week.

"Yep. That's me, the one and only, " Arianna laughed. "And you're Scrooge McDuck, if I'm not mistaken." Scrooge's eyes lit up.She actually remembered his name! "You can call me Aria, or Ari if you like." Arianna offered.

"Ok. um...." He took a deep breath before continuing on. "Aria... Will... Will you come to the meadow with me tomorrow?" Scrooge nervously asked.

"Of course!" Aria exclaimed excitedly.

"Arianna!" The two could hear her mother calling her down.

"I've got to go for now. Until tomorrow-" Aria kissed his cheek, before racing down the stairs. Scrooge blushed a deep pink once more, and placed a feathered hand where she kissed him.


"Awwww!" Webby squealed with delight at the cute story. William smiled a bit too, knowing that his mother had just told them the story of how his parents met.

"And I'm so glad you said yes that day, " Scrooge told her.

"I'm glad you had finally asked me, " Aria responded back.

"Wait, you knew the whole time?!" Scrooge exclaimed in surprise.

"Knowledge is power my dear. But yes... I knew. My father was very skeptical about the whole thing, and I didn't want you to die."

"What do you mean?" Huey asked curiously.

"My father is none other than Death himself."

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now