Chapter 8 - Dragons (Part 1)

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"Ari, hold that thought, " Scrooge whispered to the duck of his dreams. He turned back to the ducklings. "Unbelievable. I invite you into my home-"

"You locked us in a room!" Louie countered back.

"I gave ye marbles."

All we wanted was to hang out with you, " Huey cried out.

"Well... Now ye have. And look at the mess it's got me."

"I guess family is nothing but trouble, right Scrooge?" Dewey said,  throwing the old duck's word back at him. That put Scrooge over the edge.

"Everybody out."

"But we're-"

"OUT! " Scrooge yelled angrily,  and as he did so, his cane hit the gong of Pixu. Four of the five ducklings gasped, since William wasn't there yet when the whole fiasco began. "Oh what are ye gaping at? The curse is only activated if you hit the gong 3 times... And you already hit it two times... Didn't you?" Aria pulled Scrooge back as the dragon broke out of it's stone prison, and poked a hole in the ceiling of the garage.

"Pixu." William half whispered.

"The gold hunting dragon." Webby continued as they informed the nephews on the mythical beast.

"Gold hunting? Sounds great!" Louie said in a happy tone.

"Not when you're Duckburg's single largest owner of gold!" Huey reminded him. Pixu sniffed a few times,  and Scrooge knew he was in trouble.

"Ahhhh. Me money bin!" The dragon took off and at the last minute, Scrooge grabbed it's tail and was pulled away. Aria ran out of the garage immediately and into a bush. "Go to your rooms!" Scrooge screamed.

"Where are you going?"  Huey asked Webby.

"I'm going to go eat a hamburger!"

"We're in." Dewey stated and his brothers nodded in agreement. The bush Aria had ran into shook violently.

"Great Aunt Aria,  are you ok?" Will asked.

"Ahh. Ouch! Ach bleh. Bleh!  Yes,  I'm fine honey. I'll be with you shortly!" Will looked to his sister.

"Aunt Aria and I will follow you!  Go!" William told Webby.

"OK,  cool!" The four ducklings followed Launchpad who showed up to tell them he was a pilot. Will peaked into the bush and gasped at what he saw.

"Aunt Aria?!" A giant slender pure white female dragon was laying on the ground and spitting up grass.


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"Blehh. Grass tastes so disgusting!  Oh,  ah,  hi Will. I guess it's time my secrets come out. Climb aboard,  William. Let's go rescue your.. Scrooge, " Aria the dragon said.

"You mean Dad,  right Mom?"

"I.. Yes,  now let's move it!  We've got a duck to catch!"

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now