Chapter 23: "Where there's a 'Will', There's a way."

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"Mummy?!" Scrooge repeated.

"William?" Dewey asked. "You mean Webby's overprotective but super cool and chill twin brother?" Aria's serpent body froze.

"Ah...." The three male ducks eyes widened, waiting for her response. She sighed. "I guess it's time at least someone else knew. Yes. William is my son."

"Wait what?!"


"William... And Webbigail..." Scrooge's eyes went wide. "Our kids... They've been with me this whole time?!"

"Well, I did tell you they have been in the safest place I could think of..." Aria trailed off. "They don't know that we're their... Well, I mean I did try to tell William today, but I'm not sure if-"

"Uh guys, I hate to ruin the moment but we got to get out of- Hey why is there a lamp on the floor?" Dewey asked, noticing the jewel above them pulsing as the water level rose.

"What?" Donald looked up.

"Atlantis is upside down. Good luck is up while bad luck is down... Relatively speaking I think... Right Aunt Aria...Can i call you that or..."

"Of course,  you can. Though in Atlantean culture, the luck is reversed, due to their worship of my father, Death." Aria noted.

"That means lamp is supposed to be on the floor, surrounded by all this treasure..."

"Attaboy lad... Keep going." Scrooge encouraged the young duckling.

"But why would you surround it with treasure unless...

"That's the real jewel of Atlantis!"

"That thing lit up when the trap was sprung! I bet my bottom dollar it's the power source that runs the city," Scrooge continued.

"Well..." Aria paused at the boys looked at her. "It's the one that won't curse you..."

"Uncle Donald! You gotta let the room flood so I can grab the Jewel."

"That's crazy!  I'm supposed to.. What, let go? Trust you?"

"Well,  yeah. That's kind of all you can do. This is a surprisingly insightful deathtrap." Aria snorted at that.

"You ain't kidding. Donald... " The younger male adult looked up at the woman who raised him. "It's ok, I'm here. We'll get out of here safely. And yes, Scrooge and I are definitely going to have a talk." The trillionaire duck gulped, seeing her glare.

'Maybe I should learn to take her advise more often...'

Donald sighed before taking a huge breath of air, letting the water fill the cave so they could retrieve the blue jewel.


William managed to push the female assassin into a large rock, giving him at least... 2 minutes.

"Webby! Identity swap!" He quickly took off his orange sweater and threw it to his twin sister. Underneath he wore a Pink and purple vest, identical to Webby's style but more masculine. When the assassin came back...

"Wait a minute. Weren't you a guy?!" The female was now confused as she looked at Webby wearing the sweater, and William made use of his target's disorientation, and tied her up. While Webby went to go help the nephews, he decided the was one thing left to do. He stood in front of her, his eyes glowing red.

"My name is William Vanderquack. My father is Scrooge McDuck, and my mother  is Arianna Muerte. If you or anyone else harms my twin sister Webbigail... Not even death shall save you. This is your one and only warning."

"Ah, Will?" Webby asked, walking over after taking care of the others. Huey and Louie stood next to her. She hadn't heard his speech, but she had heard his growl. Louie gasped.

"Your eyes! They're red!"

"William!" Will turned around to find his parents running towards him, along with now cousin Donald and Dewey.

"Mom!" Will leaped into his mother's arms.  "What's happening to me?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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