Chapter 22: The lesser known Atlantean Legends...Part 2

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Scrooge McDuck stood in front of Dewey and Donald, inching closer to the aggrevated sea serpent who used to be his mate.

"Ari? Aria?" Scrooge tried to get it's attention on him instead of the boys. Huge globs of saliva dripped from her giant serrated teeth, and it's eyes narrowed at him. "Arianna?" The eyes dimmed at it's name, now specked with gold. She shook her head, her sanity and consciousness returning.

"Scrooge?" Her voice came out in a mix of thick Scottish, and light British. "What happened?... Why are you so small?" She looked over to see Donald trying to keep the water from filling up the room. Key word: Trying. Nothing worked,  which of course pissed off the younger male adult duck... and got his butt stuck in the wall.

"Oh no." 3 little leaks sprung out the wall around Donald, and he proceeded to plug them up with a sigh. "I knew it!  I knew I couldn't trust you with the boys!"

"Not the time Donald!" Scrooge spoke back.

"Crazy old man!  All you care about is the next adventure. This is the Spear of Selene all over again!"

"I was not responsible for the Spear of Selene!"

As Aria looked for a way out, several Atlantean carvings on the wall caught her eyes. Instantly she translated it, and her blood ran cold.

"No..." A shiver ran down Aria's snake body, and another low growl exited her throat. "William! Webbigale!"

She smashed her head multiple times on the closed door. She had to break through, she just had too!

"Come on!  Stupid door, let me through!"

"Lass what are ye doing?! You're gonna crack your head if ye keep-"

"NO!" Aria thundered, as she bared her teeth at him. The azure jewel above flickering above them, dark red swirling inside the pure blue light. Scrooge cowered back from her. In the entire time he had known her, she had never given him that treatment before. Tears spilled from the serpents eyes. "I already lost Della, and my little Oli. I'm not losing another kid, ancient prophecy or not. You see those carvings on the wall?" Aria used her nose to point them out.

"The two jewels represent the twin children of the daughter of death

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"The two jewels represent the twin children of the daughter of death. One male, (Red), and one female (Blue)." She pointed at the jewel above them. "The brother always looks after the sister no matter what. If one is removed from the other..." A loud shriek of terror was heard beyond the shut door. "William! Hold on my little warrior, Mummy's trying to get to you!"

"Mummy?!" Scrooge repeated.

"William?" Dewey asked. "You mean Webby's overprotective but super cool and chill twin brother?" Aria's serpent body froze.

"Ah...." The three male ducks eyes widened, waiting for her response. She sighed. "I guess it's time at least someone else knew. Yes. William is my son."

"Wait what?!"

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now