Chapter 17- Overprotective Fatherly Figures

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Scrooge McDuck and Aria exited the sub first, making sure it was safe for the younglings.  The 5 excited ducklings exited next, followed by Launchpad, who anchored the sub. Scrooge, Huey, Dewey,  William, and Aria quickly found an explanatory carving in the wall.

“Well, according to these markings, the Atlanteans were so eager to build an epic city of wonder and death traps,they didn’t stop to figure out a support structure, and the whole thing fell into the sea!” Scrooge exclaimed as he examined the carved writings. William and Huey were looking at a very interesting broken pillar.

“Hey Aunt Aria?” William began. “Why does this broken pillar have your symbol on it?”Scrooge frowned slightly at this news. Both he and Aria took a step closer to examine the broken stone. ”It’s also got a ... dollar sign?!” Huey took note of the markings, and figured out a correlation.

“The Atlantean’s must have worshiped a death god…” Huey trailed off as he remembered what Aria had told them. “But you were not alive yet at the time of the Atlantean’s, right Aria?”

"Right, Huey” Aria confirmed. “That means Dad knew this whole time that Scrooge was meant for me all along.” the older male duck growled as he heard her statement.

“So he can tell some ancient civilization who my immortal soulmate is, but when I wish to court you, he acts like it’s the end of the world!” Scrooge complained out loud.

“It says here that ‘Diablo’ was their high god of death. The priestess of Diablo must have taken their job very seriously,” Huey observed, grimacing at another set of drawings on the wall. Scrooge, William and Aria walked to look at the new panel. Immediately Scrooge’s irises grew small.

“Arianna…” Aria’s head whipped towards Scrooge with a loud crack. He hadn’t called her that name in years. “Were...were there others who tried to court you...before you met me?” Scrooge asked, his voice shaking gently with fear. Aria sighed in frustration as she remembered.

“Well... Actually, yes. There was one guy who tried to kill me for my power. Dad was furious when he found out! Needless to say, I never saw him again. I don’t know what happened to him, but at least he was gone. I think he might have been insane or something.” Scrooge gulped as he looked at the next panel. “Dad always seemed to know what would happen way before I did, but that was one he had hoped never came to pass.”

“I think I know exactly what happened to him!” Aria’s eyes followed his line of sight, and her jaw dropped.

“And I thought Uncle Donald was bad!” Huey commented, astonished at the brutal way the guy had been tortured and killed was  depicted.

“Whatever it is I end up doing in the future that pisses you off… please don’t hurt me!” Scrooge begged. “I’ll do anything… just don’t let me be a repeat of that stone picture! And i apologize in advance for anything stupid I managed to do.”

“You are my eternal soulmate Scrooge,” Aria spoke, now very puzzled. “What is it you could possibly do something that would be that bad?!”

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