Chapter 7 - Secrets (Part 2)

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Aria walked into the room, tears streaming down her beak. She knelt down to help Scrooge up, and tried to hold back more that threatened to spill.

"Thank you very- Ari! What's wrong lass?" Aria started to hiccup, and she heard her sister's voice in her head. 'He at least deserves to know who his children are. Who knows, maybe you two can reconnect. Good lord knows you still adore the old fool.'

"Scrooge... " Ari started, as they walked down the hall

"Yes dear?" Scrooge stopped and looked into her golden yellow eyes that glittered like newly polished money. He took her trembling hand and held it close to his heart.

"Well...I've -hic- come to tell you -hic- who...My loving Scrooge, our children have -hic- been living right in this-" a loud commotion interrupted her sentence. They ran to the open door to the garage.

"What in dismal downs is going on here?!" Scrooge yelled. Ari looked around and only noticed Webby.

"There it is!" The triplets said in unison, puzzling the older female duck.

"Webigail, where's your brother?" Aria asked her daughter.

"Uh, he went to get a sandwich." Scrooge walked in angrily.

"Why aren't you in your rooms?" Aria noticed the flying sword head Scrooge's direction and pushed him out of harm's way. The sword struck her in the chest where her heart should have been, and they all gasped. Aria looked down and chuckled.

"Huh. What do you know? Having my heart removed did come in handy, " Ari spoke as she pulled the sword out of her chest. She threw it away, then noticed the ghost sneaking up on William who had just entered while munching on half a sandwich. She pulled the young male duck behind her fully intending to protect him no matter what. Scrooge grabbed her shoulder and pulled the two behind a circular rock disk.

"We've got this. There are four of us and three of them. If we- wait never mind. Now they've teamed up." Huey stated.

"Yearrg!" The ghost pirate yelled, as it mounted the headless horse man.

"Ah good. Means only one target." Scrooge said firmly as he walked out. Ari followed him with her eyes, ready to leap out and shield him if necessary.

"No, get back! You're old!" Dewey cried out.

"Oi, beastie! What's it gonna take to shuffle you to the afterlife?" Scrooge asked.

"How about some sun?" Ari whispered, making William snicker at her joke.

"The head of Scrooge McDuck!" The ghost pirate answered back.

"Hey! That man belongs to me, ya pastie scarecrow!" Ari yelled from her sitting position as she petted William's feathers. Her son had finished his half of the sandwich and was now sitting in his mother's lap.

"Would you settle for his hat?" Scrooge cracked his neck a few times, and slid underneath the ghost and his ride. The pirate threw the sword, decapitating the statue head of McDuck. "There's your head." He threw his replica head at the ghost who yelled in anger.

"I should have been more specific!" The ghost pirate faded away and the head landed on the body of the headless horse man, making it... not headless.

The children all stood up and applauded Scrooge. However, the older male duck was not happy. He slammed his cane into the ground, silencing the young ones. Aria stood behind them.

"Look we can explain! We came down your secret museum to look for you, because... we love you?" Louie tried.

"Secret museum?" Aria covered her beak, trying not to laugh. "This is the garage!" Scrooge corrected his great nephew, with the Scottish version of the word.

"The what?!"

"Do you mean garage?" Louie asked. Aria walked to stand next to Scrooge as Webby tried to confirm it was a museum, only to realize it was indeed a garage. Aria gave a little giggle.

"She's definitely our daughter," Aria absent-mindedly whispered into Scrooge's ear.


Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now