Chapter 11- Submarine Travels

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"Let's go find the lost city of Atlantis!" Scrooge yelled happily. The five children bounced up and down with glee.

"Yeah!" The children all cheered together.

"And no one tell your Uncle Donald!"

"Yeah!" The triplets shouted the loudest, happy to finally go on an adventure without their uncle practically breathing down their necks all the time about 'safety'.

"Who is that?" Launchpad asked curiously.  Aria frowned and swiftly stole Scrooge's phone from his pocket. As the ducklings asked the older male duck many questions, Aria quickly called her sister.

"Something wrong already?" Bentina's voice came over the phone.

"It's me, Tina. Apparently Scrooge wants to take them to find Atlantis."

"What? What is that man thinking?! Aria, you must go with them!"

"Already planned on doing so." Aria gave a small smile as she saw her son and daughter talking eagerly with their father,  even if Webby didn't know it yet. She could tell that William was still skeptical about the relation, but still decided to see how things played out before he told Webbigail. "I'll make sure he at least talks to Donald. I don't care if it's been 11 years since she disappeared. I've already lost too many children, and I refuse to let this family be broken apart again!"

"Aria dear! What happened to Oliver wasn't your fault! Neither was-" Bentina protested, trying to comfort her.

"Tina, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but..." Aria trailed off, a far off look glazing her eyes, before her sister brought her back to Earth.

"You've got to stop blaming yourself! Now I'm going to hang up, and you call Donald right away."

"Of course." There was a click, as Bentina hung up. Aria walked to Scrooge as they headed out to the submarine near the docks. "Scrooge!"

"Ah! Ari, my dear. I'm glad you're coming with us, " Scrooge proclaimed as he hugged her.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Are the kids all on board?" Aria asked, before kissing his cheek lightly. Scrooge blushed pink, stuttering for the first time in 11 years.

"Y-yes, A-Ari. T-they're all on board."

"Good." Aria pulled out the golden phone again and dialed Donald. "Now talk to your nephew."

"What?!" Scrooge spoke, huffing as he panicked a little.

"When he finds out you took the boys on a dangerous trip, it won't matter that I'm with you. He'll be absolutely furious!" Aria reasoned.

"What he doesn't know can't hurt him." Scrooge protested. Aria narrowed her eyes at him, and he gulped seeing the familiar  'you better do it now or else' scary look she was giving him.

"That's what you said last time! You remember how badly that went. I'm calling Donald and you're going to talk to him. Period." Aria handed him the phone as Donald answered it. She climbed down into the sub as Launchpad pulled away from the dock.

"William!" Aria called out to her son. The orange dressed duck turned his head at the sound of his name.

"Yes?" William turned back to Louie and Huey. "I'll be right back guys." The young male duck walked quietly to his mother. "Mom?" He whispered quietly so no one could hear him, especially Webby.

"I know this is so sudden, William. And you have every right to be mad at me. I just want what's best for you and Webbigail-" Aria began to ramble, very nervous and ashamed of what she had to do years ago.

"Mom, it's OK!" William hugged the adult female duck. "I uh,  I kind of eavesdropped on you and Aunt Bentina this morning." Aria looked down at him in surprise. "And I know you didn't mean to leave us on purpose." Aria gave a small sad smile, and sighed deeply.

"You're right, my little warrior. It was probably one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my entire life. Missing your first steps, first words. Being called Mom for the first time. I love you, more than anything. And from now on,  I'll always be there."

"Warrior's Promise?" William asked hopefully. He crossed his arms into an 'X' over his heart. Aria's eyes shined brightly as they filled with tears.

"Eternal Warrior's Promise." Aria returned the gesture. The two suddenly heard Dewey yell from above.

"Dive! Dive! Dive!"

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now