Chapter 18 - Lazer Beam Death Trap

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"You kids best stay by the sub, while I scout ahead," Scrooge instructed. 

"Dewey ran in as soon as you said death traps," Huey informed the adults.  Aria's eyes went wide and she hurriedly raced in to find Dewey. 

"Come on Scrooge! We got this! " Dewey's voice proclaimed. Scrooge facepalmed,  and headed after Aria in search of Dewey. He stopped as soon as he entered the next room, and he saw Dewey sitting unhappily on the floor while Aria was taking some deep breaths, standing very close to him. 

"Ah! Lad! I thought the traps would get you for sure!" Scrooge exclaimed, very releaved to see the young duckling was still alive.  Aria rolled her eyes at him. 

"Atlantis is currently upside down,  Scrooge. It's not as dangerous walking on the ceiling." At the same time, Dewey grumbled out his response.

"Nothing cool about walking underneath buzz saws! " Scrooge took the lead, with Aria close behind him. 

"From now on, don't touch anything! " Scrooge instructed firmly. Dewey was upset that he couldn't have a chance to defy a death trap, and he kicked a loose rock. The rock bounced off the walls and hit a secret panel, releasing another trap. Aria quickly grabbed Dewey and the rest of the duckling out of harm's way. She wasn't fast enough to pull Launchpad to safety, and the poisonous snakes bit him all over.

"Sorry Launchpad!" Aria tried to apologize to the crashing pilot,  but he waved it off.

"It's alright, I'm ok!"

"Maybe Atlantis was an ambitious first outing, " Scrooge contemplated, as already things did not seem very safe for 5 ducklings. Aria helped McDuck move a particularly large boulder blocking their path. The two lovers walked through the tunnel first together, hand in hand. Dewey followed close behind. 

'Woah! " Dewey's eyes went wide, as he saw the next trap before them. "Suspension bridge? Chasm? Glowing blue mystical lasers? Classic!" The duckling yelled in confidently began to walk towards the bridge,  but before he could take one step, Scrooge pulled him back. Aria began to calculate as many ways as she could think of that could possibly work to get the other ducklings across the bridge safely. 

'Even a basic death trap still has the word 'death' in the title! " Scrooge tripped one of the beams with his cane,  and fire immediately roared to life in that same spot. He pulled his cane away, and the fire ceased. "We'll have to find another route. It's not safe for amature adventurers." Scrooge turned to go back, and Aria almost followed him.  Unfortunately Dewey had other plans. 

"That sounds like a challenge! " Dewey proclaimed. 

'I have to stress, that is not a challenge."

"That's exactly what you'd say to disway the weak of heart from accepting the challenge. Well, challenge accepted! " Dewey charged onto the bridge, dancing and singing his way across.  Surprisingly nothing happened, even though he hit all the lasers. Aria nearly crushed Scrooge's hand in fear as she watched the duckling cross the chasm. "and now you know! " Dewey finished his song as he reached the other end safely. Aria released Scrooge's hand and gave a deep sigh of relief. "Nailed it! " Scrooge straightened his hat on his head, before using his cane to swing below the bridge and avoid the lazers all together. "show off! " Dewey grumbled as Scrooge flipped up behind him. Aria giggled, and Scrooge looked up to see a smirking aria still on the other side. 

"If you think that's cool, watch this! " Aria put her hands above her head,  before backflipping and perfectly dodging every single layer. Not one lazer touched her soft feathers, and both male ducks' jaws dropped in awe as they saw that she was doing this with her eyes closed!  She opened her eyes as she landed on her final flip directly in front of Scrooge. His adoration for the woman before him grew even more. 

"Now that, was awesome! " Dewey cried out in excitement.  Scrooge kissed the female duck in front of him pationately.

"I don't know how you do it! You never cease to amaze me, Ari dear. "

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now