Chapter 16 - Atlantis... is upside down?

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"Someday I must take his place, as Queen of the dead, and collector of souls." Aria spoke softly. "And one day when my descents are old enough, they too shall take on the mantle of ruler of the deceased."

"Wow!" Louie seemed to be very fascinated by the concept. "Will the dead have to do anything and everything you say?"

"Theoretically, yes." Aria confirmed.

"Do you have a scythe?"

"Will you have to wear black all the time?"

"Woah! Slow down, you guys! Hey Scrooge, how long until we reach Atlantis again?" Aria turned to face a slightly grumpy Scrooge.

"Just a few more hours." The kids all groaned in boredom. For a while it was all peace and quiet.

"The Drake Barrier reef. Powerful currents combined with rocky terrain make it nearly impossible to navigate. But, on the rare occasion that snow falls above the barrier reef, the currents cool. Allowing safe passage to-" Aria gentle nudged Scrooge and he paused, long enough to turn around and find all 5 duckling asleep. "Are you kidding me?!" Scrooge's aggravated voice woke them up, and Louie asked if they were there yet.

"Ooh! Left side or right side?" Huey asked excitedly. "Just pick a side."

"Ooh look there that thing is!" Dewey squealed as he jumped up and down. All 5 ducklings looked out the window together,  mouths agape in awe, at the lost city of Atlantis.

"Huh. It appears to be... Upside down?"

"Well, that's a new one!" Scrooge noted,  his eyebrows furrowing as they drew closer, and finally resurfaced inside the upside down ginormous temple.

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now