Chapter 19 - Arguments

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"Can you teach me how to do that? Please?!" Dewey pleaded. "That is so much cooler than doing it the easy way!"

"Oi, lad! There is nothing wrong with the easy way. It's safer, usually quicker and-" Scrooge was interrupted by the offended duckling.

"Uh, Lad?! I don't call you 'old man', or 'Scottie McTophat'' Dewey grumbled. Scrooge growled a little at the duckling's words.

"Respect your elders. When you adventure with Scrooge McDuck" Scrooge began.

"But I'm not! You want me to adventure behind Scrooge McDuck, or wait by the sub. I might as well be back on the house boat!" Dewey exclaimed, folding his arms in frustration. Aria walked to the wall behind them and started to look for a way down.

"Because you have no idea what you're doing!"

"So show me! Give me a chance instead of lumping us all together in the backseat while you drive." Dewey pleaded desperately.

"I'm not lumping you all together!" Scrooge 

"Oh really?  Which triplet am I?"

"Ehhhh. Bluey?"

"Actually his name is Dewford,  but he prefers to be called Dewey." Aria called over as she tested one of the rocks on the wall. Scrooge turned and raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Wait, how do you know what my name is?" Dewey asked, confused and curious as to why she knew, but Scrooge had no clue whatsoever.

"Please, I'm a mother of 4 children and raised at least 3 others. Just because  I'm ancient, (yes, I am actually way older than even Scrooge) doesn't mean I'll forget everything."

"Four children?! I only know of three... relatively speaking. Who's the 4th?" Scrooge asked, his attention now hooked. Aria rolled her eyes as she started down the rock tower.

"Our oldest is Luci." Scrooge looked at her puzzled.

"I'm sorry... What?"

"Luci?  Lucinda? The little one Goldie and I raised together because you left me for some new adventure shortly after I found out I was pregnant. I tried to find you and tell you,  but every time... Goldie was so mad at you. Remember Gumption when she dropped that pickaxe deliberately on your foot?"

"Wait... That 6 year old... Was my kid?!" Scrooge's eyes went wide in realization.

"YES!" Aria's frustrated voice echoed up as she paused her descent.

"Oh... I am terribly sorry, Arianna. I really am-" Dewey moved toward the two older ducks. The bridge behind him burst into flames, and caught Scrooge's attention once more. "Oh fantastic!  You see what I'm talking about! You 5 find another way around! Were going to..." Scrooge noticed Dewey following the same path as Aria. "Push onward, apparently."

Webby Vanderquack...or is it McDuck? - Season One, Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now